I’ve often heard the statement that, “Leaders are Readers!” Your best chance for success is reading. Learn to earn. Read to succeed.
Initially that thought paralyzed me because it brought back memories of when I was in 2nd Grade. Every day I would have to go off to a special classroom for an hour. This classroom was for all the “slow readers” and it felt like I had a big “L” (loser) stamped on my forehead. Every day we “slow reader students” would be forced to read out loud to each other. I would stumble over even the simplest of words. I always thought, “Wouldn’t it be nice to be as intelligent as the rest of my class, the normal readers!”

If “Leaders are Readers” are you and I dedicated to being life-long students?
1) Am I in God’s Word everyday?
2) How many books did you read last year?
3) How much TV time are you willing to convert to study time?
4) Will you read at least 20 minutes everyday?
5) Will you write at least 20 minutes everyday, begin to clarify your thoughts and ideas in writing?
>>>TAKING ACTION>>>“Be doers of the Word, and not hearers only.” (James 1:22)
Choose at least one action you can take to become a better life-long student.
Write it down, commit to it, and start today!