Here is the deal... there is a right way that bio's are supposed to be done. So, I've pasted my standard bio below. It gives my credits and credentials but to be honest it makes me sound more polished than what I really am. I've included it in case you need to read it for whatever reason.
But this is who I really am...
Pam Riley: I was raised in Clear Lake, Iowa and swam so much as a kid……I thought I could be a mermaid (tee-hee)! Daughter to Bob & Ethel Harrington; Daughter-In-Law to Bill & Jean Riley; Sister to David & Steve Harrington; Sister-In-Law to Jeff & Suzanne Riley, Janelle & Phyllis Harrington; Aunt to John, Adam &Amber Harrington, Emily & John Riley; Niece or Cousin to half of South Dakota (tee-hee)…..a huge family tree!
My husband: My husband Scott is a sales strategist and coach specializing in Internet Marketing and is one of the most passionate speakers I know! He often jokes by saying, “We’ve been happily married for the past 43 years, all but the first 10 and our drive here today!” But hey, 33 happy years ain't bad! One of the greatest things about Scott is that he has never met a stranger. He will make an instant friend with anyone, even the guy at the gas pump! He is a fabulous leader who teaches me something about leadership every day by simply watching him live his life.
My Kids and Grandkids: I have 2 children (Sheri & Willem), a son-in-law (Tony) and a daughter-in-law (Stephanie). I am Nana to 5 of the sweetest grandchildren in the world - Savannah, Alisa, Levi, Joshua & Cora. Me! I can’t be that old! These nine people are the most fun part of my life! I cherish every moment when we are together!
My Business: I work with the most incredible team of men and women. What started as a simple idea to build a business from our home has blessed me beyond my wildest dreams. Our family has been surrounded by awesome Christian Business Leaders and mentors. Men and women of which are sold out to saying yes to God and He truly does the rest.
My Ministry Home: My husband and I built "The Blessing House" and moved in March 11, 2013. This Blessing House is NOT a business or a formal ministry! We just built the home with YOU in mind!
With gratitude - we want to share all God has given us, including our family, home, finances, and food. We are merely the caretaker for the real owner of The Blessing House, God.
My Everyday Life: I feel like a success in my everyday life if I get through the day having spent time with the Lord, exercised in some way, had a laugh with one of my kids, kissed my dog, had clean underwear in my husband's drawer when he needed them, encouraged a friend on her journey to create the life she'll love, and limited my chocolate intake!
Now for the standard bio...
Pam Riley is a wife, mother, grandmother, business leader and a passionate speaker. Since 1975 she has been a Certified Cosmetologist & Image Coach. Pam has been focused on empowering women to maximize their natural beauty and helping them make a great first impression every time they walk through the door. Shortly after getting married, Pam and her husband started a sales and marketing team and have enjoyed success as leaders in that field, as well.
Pam is uniquely qualified to merge these two areas to empower and release women to celebrate who they are and get more out of life. Through her speaking and training, she challenges women of all ages to embrace their strengths, understand others and experience a more confident, all together woman. Pam has a passionate and energetic style, that will engage and inspire women to become all they were created to be.
She has spoken across the United States and Europe. She speaks before businesses, sales teams, women’s clubs and churches. She coaches women on faith, finances/business, friendships and family life.
While she is many things - to those who know her best she is simply a wife and mother who loves Jesus passionately, and struggles like the rest of us with laundry, junk drawers and cellulite.
Whether she is speaking or simply sharing tea with a few friends, Pam delights in helping others to become who God intends them to be. To take control of your finances and your success, without the constraints of a traditional job. She is passionate to help you build your thriving home-based business and still have time for yourself as well as time to nurture your relationships with friends & family. But this isn’t just a message that Pam teaches, it is one she lives out in her own life.
You’ll laugh, you’ll be inspired, and you'll come away changed. Her greatest desire is that long after you forget the name Pam Riley...long after you forget the stories she shares and the messages she teaches...that you'll never forget how God personally touches your heart.
All the glory is His…………..
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