As we approach Christmas 2008, I'd love for my readers to have a chance to hear from each other! With YOU sharing a "Holiday Tradition" you have or one you intend to start this year!

"Our Family Tradition for Christmas" by Stephanie-
Every Christmas before my family opens their presents. We always read the Christmas story (Bible).
Usually someone different each year reads it. Then we all will go around the room and we will share something that we are thankful for or what Christmas means to us.
We will then go around and open our Christmas gifts usually one by one.
Then we eat a wonderful meal that usually my Mum makes. We all help out in someway with preparing it and getting it ready though.
Then after we eat a wonderful meal. We usually watch a Christmas Movie together. or play a board game.
After we watch our movie or game and relax our food. My mum, sister and I make hot coco and we go ice skating until we are to cold and can't feel our toes any more.
I am so excited that my boyfriend Willem has been able to celebrate this tradition with us the last few years and will get to this year also.
I am also blessed that I have had the opportunity to spend Christmas with his amazing family too!!!
Merry Christmas!!

Please click on the "Contact" area of my blog and send me an email describing a "Holiday Tradition" of yours! If possible, I'd love a picture of you......but not necessary! I will NOT post any last protect your privacy!