Friday, November 28, 2008

"Holiday Traditions" by Stephanie

Hello sweet blogging girlfriends-

As we approach Christmas 2008, I'd love for my readers to have a chance to hear from each other! With YOU sharing a "Holiday Tradition" you have or one you intend to start this year!
My first volunteer is like a daughter to me, she and our son have dated the past 4 years! I'm excited for you all to hear from her! She is an absolute joy and is as beautiful on the inside as out!

"Our Family Tradition for Christmas" by Stephanie-

Every Christmas before my family opens their presents. We always read the Christmas story (Bible).
Usually someone different each year reads it. Then we all will go around the room and we will share something that we are thankful for or what Christmas means to us.

We will then go around and open our Christmas gifts usually one by one.
Then we eat a wonderful meal that usually my Mum makes. We all help out in someway with preparing it and getting it ready though.

Then after we eat a wonderful meal. We usually watch a Christmas Movie together. or play a board game.

After we watch our movie or game and relax our food. My mum, sister and I make hot coco and we go ice skating until we are to cold and can't feel our toes any more.
I am so excited that my boyfriend Willem has been able to celebrate this tradition with us the last few years and will get to this year also.

I am also blessed that I have had the opportunity to spend Christmas with his amazing family too!!!

Merry Christmas!!
Please click on the "Contact" area of my blog and send me an email describing a "Holiday Tradition" of yours! If possible, I'd love a picture of you......but not necessary! I will NOT post any last protect your privacy!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Have a Doggon Happy Thanksgiving!

OK, please forgive me-
....if I'm not always "spiritual" with my thoughts! :-)

This happens to be my FAVORITE Thanksgiving picture, this year!
The pet lover in me could NOT resist sharing it with my blogging girlfriends (tee-hee)!

I Give Thanks for my many blogging girlfriends, you are such a blessing!
I give thanks to my Lord!
PRAYER: Our Father in Heaven - I give thanks for the pleasure Of gathering together for this occasion. I give thanks for this food Prepared by loving hands. I give thanks for life, The freedom to enjoy it all And all other blessings. As we partake of this food, I pray for health and strength To carry on and try to live as You would have us. This we ask in your name. Amen

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My Hero - "The Marathon Man"

Pam's Page 26- "Family Life"

My Hero and awesome Husband ran in his FIRST Marathon!
He jogged an amazing 26.5 mile around DesMoines, Iowa.

Everything about this experience gave me huge respect for Scott! I watched him train for months - rain or sun, hot or cold......he did what ever it took to prepare for this event!

I'm truly blessed - to have a man that always views life as one "BIG Adventure" and his winning attitude inspires those closest to him!

He was #1886 in this Marathon......but he will always be #1 to me!!!!!!!!

Scott had an additional blessed that day, two friends of ours were there to cheer him on! Dear friend Stu Gray became the camera crew (tee-hee)! Our dear friend and mentor Jerry Juhlin was there to offer coaching advice and support! It's awesome to have these kind of friends in our life!
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I'm sooooooo proud of Scott for never giving up on this dream!
I'm sure this is only the beginning!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Living in Victory with an "Attitude of Gratitude"

Pam's Page 26 - "Finances"
I pray that I never take God for granted!
That I never let a day go by.....without thanking Him for each and every blessing! This weekend was no exception!

Scott and I spent this weekend visiting the Kalahari Resort & Indoor Water Park, in the Wisconsin Dells! As beautiful as this place was the PEOPLE that took my breath away! Godly leaders like Alana, such a women of excellence!

This weekend was spent with mentors; and many business partners and friends!
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A few "take aways" from this week-end:
- God's plan is better than ours!
- God's timing is PERFECT!
- Understand WHO you are, and WHO'S you are!
- Serve people, and celebrate THEIR successes!
- One person with courage, is a MAJORITY!
- You never rise above your expectations!
- Do the right thing, not the easy thing!
- Identify your fears & decide to go forward anyway!
- You don't have challenges, you have character building experiences!

PRAYER:Help me to start this day
with a new attitude and plenty of gratitude.

Let me make the best of each and every day
to clear my mind so that I can hear from You.

I know there is no problem, circumstance,
or situation greater than You, God.

Let me not whine and whimper
over things I have no control over.

Continue to use me to do Your will.
Continue to bless me that I may be
a blessing to others.

Keep me strong that I may help the weak...
Keep me uplifted that I may have
words of encouragement for others.

I pray for all my sisters and brothers.
For each and every family member
in their households.

I pray for peace, love and joy
in their homes; that they are out of debt
and all their needs are met.


Sunday, November 16, 2008

What a blessing we Mothers can be, for our children!!!

What a blessing to include my Mom in my fun life! I often take her as I travel around Iowa conducting meetings or stop to see a friend. (Pictured below is Mom between Jeanne and I)

Mom acts like every trip is an adventure! She even makes stopping at a Truck Stop.....feel like a trip to Disney World (tee-hee)! Well, that might be a slight exaggeration! OK! But she really does appreciate each day and each a way I can not relate to!

Mom truly is my dearest mentor and friend, outside my husband! She has taught me to love unconditionally and make every day an adventure!
Mom is my greatest "cheerleader" and she always tells me that I can climb any mountain top, reach any goal.....if I just don't give up! So her voice is always the wind beneath my I stretch and fly toward a goal.
What a blessing we Mothers can be, for our children!!!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

People Don’t Like to Be Sold, But They Love to Buy!

Pam’s Page 25 – “Finances”
My dear friend Jeanne had an awesome Holiday Customer Appreciation Event at her home today! She had great sales, but the exciting thing was….she registered 13 New Customers and identified 3 possible New Business Partners! Wow….we had a blast!

It was an absolute joy to watch how Jeanne cared for each and every Guest as they arrived! Her sincere love for people and servant heart made every single person feel special.

She is an inspiration to me, and I am challenged to become better!

1. Her smile told each Guest that they are welcome. Great Question: Do I smile every time I greet someone?
2. Her friendly manner comes from within. It’s a personality and an attitude. It also allows the customer to be more open with her. Great Question: Am I friendly all the time?
3. She truly loves the products she sells, so her sincerity is not in question. Great Question: Do I love what I do enough to be sincere about it?
4.. She looks every person in the eye when she greets them. It builds confidence. Great Question: How would I rate my eye contact? How can I improve it?
5. She has excellent knowledge of the products she was selling. Great Question: Am I the master of product knowledge?
6. She has a genuine desire to help. This element comes from who we are as a person, our character and our service heart. Great Question: How willing am I to serve others?
7. She is not afraid to ask for the sale. Most sales opportunities are lost because salespeople fail to ask for the business. Great Question: Am I asking for the sales every time?

The beautiful part about all this….we don't need to be perfect! When we fall down in life or business – we can get back up, dust ourselves off and try-try again! God has not given us the spirit of defeat!

So hats off to Jeanne; and hat’s off to all my special blogging girlfriends!
You are all a “Masterpiece in Progress”!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

We are empowered by those around us!

Pam’s Page 24 – “Finances”
We all make deliberate choices in our life, and live by our priorities and convictions.

You may have noticed, I have not written many Posts lately!Several weeks ago, I accepted a very large project…..knowing I would be massively stretched by adding this project to my current schedule. I’ve been asked to lead a very large training project, taking place the first part of December.

Scott and I both agreed this project was a door God had opened and it would be an honor to serve in this way! So saying yes was the easy part! We already knew that when God opens a door, he always lights the way!

He blessed me with two very special ladies, new friends and business associates! Two awesome ladies who have been working with me, to help me meet this short deadline!

So I want you to meet my two latest blessings, Asha & Holly-
The three of us have been locked (tee-hee) in this boardroom for several days……only to come out for bread and water (tee-hee)!

God is good-
Once again, it’s exciting to see how God always gives us the power to do what He has called us to do……by placing the right people in our path to empower us!

We can just hang on and enjoy the amazing ride, called LIFE! What fun!

Love & Teamwork!

Pam’s Page 25 – “Family Life”

For many years of my life there has been two common questions I have been asked, “How do you keep up with all that goes on in your busy life? or "How can you run a business with you Husband?”

My Response………

First - “Avoid Guilt”
I have to say that most of us have days where we feel guilty about things that have fallen through the cracks and I am no exception. So I attempt to keep my goals high enough to stretch me; but not so high as to position myself to fail. I've also learned to not be afraid to say no…..especially when it doesn't fit right in line with my top priorities.

Secondly – “Family”I was raised in a family that’s motto was – “Family is Love & Teamwork!” I heard that so often as a child… stuck with me after I was married and we had Sheri and Willem!

So to be in business with my husband was an answer to a childhood dream!
To enjoy LOVE & TEAMWORK in all aspects of my life! I think it is important to note that God has uniquely empowered Scott and I to be very effective Business Partners, in addition to husband and wife! We do see everything that we do…….as a family calling. We’re both very verbal people (no surprise to my blogging friends). So we spent a lot of time discussing what works and what doesn't; as well as what each of our expectations are and how to creatively meet those needs. No matter what unique calling your family may have, I encourage you to open up and talk about things. Learn to work as a Team!

Thirdly – “Time Out With Friends”My desire is to reach out and touch God’s people with His love…..and that requires a different mindset. It’s having a “to-do-list” but at the same time…..being flexible. I’ve learned to multi task, but also attempt to give you my undivided attention at a moments notice. It’s taking the time to enjoying the friends that God has placed in our life! Celebrating your lives together! Like last weekend in Kansas City (Scott, Jeremy, Dan, myself and Sandy)! What awesome fellowship!

Lastly – “My Secret”
I will let you in on a little secret – I have planned “Escapes” on my calendar! These “Escapes” are strategically placed in my life! These are moments (hours, a day, a week) that I plan to isolate myself and enjoy 100% rebuild time! These “Escapes” are the moments in time that I know I can just enjoy Scott and our family! During these “Escapes” the cell phone, the emails, the business, and all else are put on hold! These awesome “Escapes” have kept balance in my life and have been my secret weapon to maintaining my top priority….”A Family of Love & Teamwork!”

It's what makes a house a HOME!

It's what makes a house a HOME!

We are in each others LIFE for a reason!

We are in each others LIFE for a reason!

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