Pam's Page 29- "Family Life"
Dearest blogging girlfriends-
I’m sure you’ve noticed I temporarily fell off the Blogging World (tee-hee). My last post was on Christmas Eve, after that my focus was on creating awesome Holiday Memories. Ten days where our house became a Bed-N-Breakfast for 12 special people.

-We flew our daughter and family in from Washington, D.C.
-We drove both sets of our parents up from Iowa, Scott’s parents and my Mother.
-Plus, our son and his dear girlfriend stopped by after work and on their days off.
MY PLAN:I had all those togetherness thoughts of how our “Family Holiday” moments should be just like I was starring in my own version of a Hallmark Movie (tee-hee).
I envisioned preparing every meal….picture perfect. Everyone would want to play the same card or board games. We would all love to rent the same DVD. Even though our age span was 4 months old to 80 years old….we would all want to do everything the same (tee-hee)! NOT!!!! Eventually, some compromises were made.
I think this is my Christmas message this year---Making together happen doesn’t need to be PERFECT.
This year it's to see, look for, discover, embrace and appreciate the beautiful imperfection I call LIFE.
There is beauty in every imperfect aspect of my LIFE, if only I'll make the choice to see it. Enjoy every moment regardless of it’s Hallmark Movie quality (tee-hee)! I love this beautiful imperfection we call life.
I cherish every moment God blesses us with a family gathering!
I love our life.