Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Cindy Lemley's Health & Weight Loss Victory Story!

Pam's Page 29 - "Friendship"Dear sweet blogging girlfriends-

Healing and divine health are God’s perfect will for mankind! God expects us to care for the physical bodies with which He has blessed us and not neglect or abuse them in any way!
*Unfortunately, I know that He never meant for me to eat soooo much chocolate (tee-hee)!

Healthy lifestyle is birthed from a DECISION and is accelerated by ACCOUNTABILITY!There are many great stories about "PROGRAMS" that help you loose weight and no one program is the magic! So I am not endorsing the “Program” listed below, nor am I against it. Life’s disciplines are about a DECISION – and ACCOUNTABILTY is healthy in all areas of our life! The testimony below…is a tribute to right choices! Taking care of the physical body God blessed us with!

This testimony is from my dear friend Cindy Lemley. I am so proud of her, she is an inspiration to us all. This story is about HER journey and her discipline!
Her BEFORE and her AFTER…..

After many years of talking, attempting and a little complaining, I finally
made a decision that its time to become healthy and lose weight. That was
January of 2008. I started on my own in this journey until my husband
talked with someone he works with about my commitment. She suggested that I
go with her to a Weight Watchers meeting. I was really surprised by what I
learned and decided to try it out. I am so glad I did!! Just one year
later, I have met my goal and become a lifetime member with Weight Watchers.
I am now 96lbs lighter and went from a size 26 to a 12-14!!!

The 2 main ideas that got me started was first of all making a decision to
do it and second, admitting I needed help doing it. If I didn't have the
Weight Watchers program and the group I went with, I don't think I would
have been able to get to my goal. Changing my eating and exercising habits 1
at a time helped keep me going along with the results I was seeing. Once I
had lost about 30lbs, I let my family in on what I was doing. When I told
my sister, Tina, we made a commitment to running a 1/2 marathon together.
She has ran many races - full & 1/2 marathons and smaller races. So I began
exercising to get my body ready for training. With Tina's help, I am now on
a training schedule to prepare for a 1/2 marathon at the end of April inNashville.

Hope this help inspire others that you can do what you put your mind to. So
make a decision and do it!!! Hiccups, as I like to call them, become much
easier to work through if you know what and why your doing something!!!


-3 John 2
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.

Praise Update about Little James Lemley!

Pam's Page 30- "Family Life"
Many of you have been praying for this very happy and fun loving toddler, named James Lemley. Down syndrome has created alot of opportunity for healing miracles in his life!

Mommy Cindy - just took James for his followup yearly cardiologist appointment......

Hear her "Review"-
When the hole in James' heart was first discovered it was 8.7 mm. There was a bit of a scare as to whether immediate surgery was neccessary. The surgeons decided to wait and monitor for a bit to see what would happen. 3 months later the hole was the same size but pressures were normal. 6 months later the hole had gotten a bit smaller down to 7.1 mm. At that point, surgery would most likely still need to be done but maybe not until about 4 years of age. That way it could be done by cathedor. Since things were going well, James' growth, develpment, health, his next appointment wasn't for a year.
Hear her "Praise Report"-
Which brings us to yesterdays appointment. The tests results showed the hole to now be 4.3mm!! That is not the only good news. Because of the size,
right now surgery may not ever have to be done!!!!!

Praise you Lord!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Blessings to YOU...

Pam's Page 28 - "Friendship"
Dear God:
The lady reading this is beautiful,
classy and strong,
and I love her.
Help her live her life to the fullest.
Please promote her and cause her to excel above her expectations.
Help her shine in the darkest places where it is impossible to love.
Protect her at all times,
lift her up when she needs you the most,
and let her know when she walks with you,
She will always be safe...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Book - Living in Divine Health - a life giving approach to optimal health!

Pam's Page 27 - "Friendships"
Hello sweet blogging girlfriends-

I'm so excited to share another amazing book with you!
My dear friend Alana recommended a group of us business partners take the month of February to fast in prayer over taking better care of the temples God gave us, our bodies!

She also recommended we bought the book - "Living in Divine Health ". (Now placed on my Blog Bookshelf)

This is an amazing book! Dr. Colbert is a faith-filled man who offers so much motivating perspective on how to live healthy and take a proactive approach to our future by revealing seven principles on how to live the life God intended. He takes you on a fascinating journey into the world of disease-preventing nutrition. Most diseases are due to a lack of hydration, stress, fatigue, and an unhealthy lifestyle. We no longer have to plead ignorance to our health!!! Learn how to eliminate the cancer-producing toxins already built up in your system and tell the difference between the foods that generate health...and those that can hurt your heart. We have all the knowledge we need to take a daily approach to being healthy, in shape, and happy about ourselves. Dr. Don Colbert provides a non-condemning, life giving approach to optimal health. God Bless!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Empowering Women of Faith Spring Retreat

Theme for this Event - "The Captivating Proverbs 31 Women"
The Proverbs 31 Women is often looked at as too idyllic and unachievable! Rightly so in our own strength which is why we must rely on God's strength only and have a purposeful intent if we are to become a virtuous women.
A women of strength and dignity first has a purposeful intent to develop a strong relationship with her Lord. She knows only by His strength can she be the women God calls her to be in every area of her life!
Come join our Women's Retreat in Clear Lake, Iowa. A fun filled week-end combined with great Spiritual Growth planned on the agenda!
*Use my "Contact Me" link to email me requesting specific Registration Information!

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