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Friday, May 14, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
My precious Mother-in-Law...
I would appreciate prayers for Scott's Mother. She is having serious breathing challenges and has been in Intensive Care for the past couple of days! We are here by her side: blessed to pray WITH her and bring a smile to her face!
Naturally, we would appreciate prayers for Scott's Father too! His heart is so heavy, seeing his wife (60 years) struggling! We are claiming our Lords - "Peace that Passes all Understanding" will comfort HIM throught this journey!

Also praying for Wisdom - that Scott & I know how to BEST serve his parents needs! To be a blessing to them!!!!
Friday, March 19, 2010
I have reached a new "NORMAL"
I've reached a new “NORMAL"- as they say!
Our sweet Buddy can never be replaced-
Our sweet Buddy can never be replaced-
and he will be forever miss!!!

But his Sister Princess and I are bonding on a whole new level-We even went CLOTHES shopping TOGETHER, the other day! Petco was our store of choice!

OUR NEW NORMAL-Princess now owns her first DRESS and girly pink NECKLACE!

Several family and friends suggested it would help me to get over Buddy - if I bought another dog, bunny, cat, ect! I prayed over those ideas, but felt strongly those were not my only option. Instead….I’M GOING TO CELEBRATE THE PET I ALREADY HAVE!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Birthday #4 and so much more!!!
For this weeks special Family Fun: Mom and I flying together for the 1st time! Visiting our daughter and 3 grandchildren! Birthday #4 and so much more!!!
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Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Life may not be the party we hoped for!
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but WHILE we are here…
Like my dear friend Deb - We might as well dance!

Ours Delays-
We'll go back and visit the grandparents when we get our child toilet-trained. We'll entertain when we replace the living-room carpet.... We'll go on a second honeymoon when we get two more kids out of college.
Do you run through each day on the fly-
Have you ever watched kids playing in a park or listened to the rain hitting the ground? Ever followed a butter fly's flight or gazed at the sun into the fading night? Spend several hours in God’s word or in prayer?
When we worry or hurry through our days, it’s like an unopened gift....Thrown away..... Life is not a race, take it slower.
Like my sweet friend Elizabeth - Hear the music before the song is over!

Saturday, January 16, 2010
My precious Buddy closed his eyes for the last time yesterday!
Today, there was no gentle nudge (from Buddy) with an intense "I love you gaze",only a heart that’s filled with tears remembering the joy filled days with him in my life!
Our Lord, family and friends have given me great comfort! Thank you all.
Please continue to help me CELEBRATE the 8 years of Buddy’s life….
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To My Dearest Buddy-
I thought about you all night long. I miss your face everywhere in our home and I cry. You are much more than a dog, you are my four legged Baby Son!
I wish you were in the kitchen, begging for treats. I wish you were in the family room, begging to go outside and potty. I wish you were in our bed, hogging the space like you usually do!
I find myself clinging to your doggy sweater, just to smell your precious scent again!
You’ve helped me through many lonely moments, when I was home alone!I used to think you look so smart, the way you’d sit and stare.
You’d always lend a thoughtful ear! And I miss the way, on my cheek you’d lay a little doggy kiss.
You have shown me what absolute unselfishness looks like, in this selfish world. You have taught me the meaning of devotion.
I know you’re gone for good now, though it is hard for me to believe…that you won’t come when I call your name! Or bark…every time the doorbell rings, or a squirrel runs across our yard!
You told me you loved me - a thousand times over….by the way you would rests against my leg, by the way you thumped your short little tail at my smallest smile, and by the way you showed your hurt when I left the house.
I know you didn’t leave me empty handed, you left me a part of you. I will always remember how much you loved me, and the thoughtful things you’d did.
It is hard for me to realize you won’t beg for anymore treats or just hang out with me! And, it is hard for me to say goodbye, so rest is peace…my precious Buddy.
I’ve asked God to place a doggy-door in Heaven! And let YOU run to greet me when I get there!
Love you ton’s-Mom