Pam's Page 4 - "Family Life"
Bob & Ethel Harrington of Clear Lake, Iowa
They were married for 57 years when Dad passed on in August of 2005.
My parents have been “The Wind Beneath My Wings” my whole life. From the time I was a small child I had a sign on my bedroom door that read, “Her Royal Majesty Ga-Ga-Goo”. I begged Dad to take it down when I was in High School, but he insisted it would remain on my bedroom door until I got married. So that sign was finally removed on Oct.4, 1975 when Scott & I got married!
Even though I wasn’t there when Dad removed it from my door, I was fairly certain there would be tears in his eyes! Now with adult children of my own, I’ve cried a few good bye tears (Sheri’s Wedding & Willem to Acting College) and can sympathize with Dad’s pain that day!
I thank God that I have had two parents that have taught me what unconditional love really is. They have supported me with every decision I have made and given me the freedom to fail, without judgment. Their words of praise have been like sweet music, always playing in my mind.
It was a huge loss when Dad went to heaven 3 years ago, I still think of him almost every day! His favorite quote was, “Family is about Love & Teamwork”. He truly lived by it with every breath he took.
Many of you have met my Mother at a Focus Training, a No-Tox Party or visiting our home. You all comment on how fun she is! She’s the best friend most people only dream of having! I can share all my victories and defeats with her, without fear of judgment! Her attitude toward defeat is always, “Pam, it will be OK….I know you can do this, you can concur any mountain!” She has passed that same message onto her Grandchildren and her Great-Grandchildren! What an example for us all to follow!
Thanks Mom & Dad…………
Today's Prayer:Dear God,
Please heal my relationship with my parents.
Whether they’re on Earth
or have passed beyond the veil of death.
May only love remain between us.
May I not be broken by their weaknesses,
but may I be strengthened by their stengths.
May they be at peace,
and so may I.
Help me to forgive them,
and please forgive me.
What a special family you have. Such a blessing.
Dearest Pam,
What a great way to encourage people. You are awesome. I am grateful to know you and I am a better person for it. God bless you, kimkbidwell
Your parents story made me cry!
It is so hard to "Let Go, and Let God". My children are still young, but I already worry about them getting older . Right now I feel mostly in control of them, but one day I will have to let go.
Thank you for such beautiful words and a beautiful picture from your wedding day!
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