Wow! I love to study ordinary women who have done extraordinary things!
Women we may be inclined to hear about and say, “Boy, was SHE lucky!” However, when you look closer into their lives we find situations and obstacles that seem insurmountable. We also find decisions made at life’s crossroads that not only carried them through but propelled them to victory!
Here is one such woman – Mary Ann Mobley Collins.
She is former Miss America 1959, Actress (Elvis Movies) and Golden Globe Winner; Mother,Wife and tireless humanitarian. At 69 years old she has had the same home, the same telephone number, and same marriage (Gary Collins) for 38 years.

Mary Ann writes - There was a time in my career when I thought that life could not get any better. Things were going very well indeed.
Suddenly I was stricken with Crohn’s Disease. This is a very painful, incurable disease that attacks the intestines. I became extremely ill. So much so that I began to doubt if I would ever again lead a normal life. So many doubt’s crept through my thoughts!
The turning point of my life came when I found a doctor who became a partner and friend in my belief that I could overcome this disease, or at least live with it with dignity. I have now been in remission for 32 years. I believe it is because God and I joined in the battle with the help of this wonderful doctor against this horrible disease.
I am now a spokesperson for the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America. I frequently visit third world countries to film documentaries and encourage assistance for millions of helpless victims. I cherish the experiences I have had and the people I have met. I truly believe that God does not close one door, without opening up another.
I always try to remember the words of Emerson when he wrote….”to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.”
Mary Ann Mobley Collins
Today’s Nugget-
*Book – “Storms of Perfection –Volume #3” by Andy Andrews

This book can be found on my Blog Library Shelf. Mary Ann’s story (above) and many others are featured in this book. It is packed full of stories from 52 men and women. The heart of the message is – YOU have the ability to make the right decisions…..and triumph over any circumstance! YOU can achieve extraordinary things!
Dear God,
I place the world in Your hands.
Please use me
to make things right.
I want to leave this world
a better place!

Mary Ann writes - There was a time in my career when I thought that life could not get any better. Things were going very well indeed.
Suddenly I was stricken with Crohn’s Disease. This is a very painful, incurable disease that attacks the intestines. I became extremely ill. So much so that I began to doubt if I would ever again lead a normal life. So many doubt’s crept through my thoughts!
The turning point of my life came when I found a doctor who became a partner and friend in my belief that I could overcome this disease, or at least live with it with dignity. I have now been in remission for 32 years. I believe it is because God and I joined in the battle with the help of this wonderful doctor against this horrible disease.
I am now a spokesperson for the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America. I frequently visit third world countries to film documentaries and encourage assistance for millions of helpless victims. I cherish the experiences I have had and the people I have met. I truly believe that God does not close one door, without opening up another.
I always try to remember the words of Emerson when he wrote….”to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.”
Mary Ann Mobley Collins
Today’s Nugget-
*Book – “Storms of Perfection –Volume #3” by Andy Andrews

This book can be found on my Blog Library Shelf. Mary Ann’s story (above) and many others are featured in this book. It is packed full of stories from 52 men and women. The heart of the message is – YOU have the ability to make the right decisions…..and triumph over any circumstance! YOU can achieve extraordinary things!
Dear God,
I place the world in Your hands.
Please use me
to make things right.
I want to leave this world
a better place!