Pam’s Page 8 - “Friendship”
Here is a girlfriend that finds great humor in “Everyday Life" - Joyce Meyers, one of my favorite Preachers & Authors.
At +63 yrs old she is still climbing mountains for the Lord. She is a wife, mother of four and has been in ministry since 1976. She is the bestselling author of more than seventy inspirational books. She has also released thousands of audio teachings as well as a complete video library. Joyce’s “Enjoy Everyday Life” radio and television programs are broadcast around the world. She also travels extensively conducting conferences, like the one I attended here in Minneapolis several months back! With her classic clarity and practicality, we learn how to overcome real life obstacles to live a bold, victorious life.
CLASSIC JOYCE MEYERS TEACHING WITH HUMOR-Don’t worry that you might have a rotten day, because if you do have one - you will certainly know it and you can deal with it then.
You know you’re having a rotten day when….
-Your birthday cake collapses from the weight of the candles!
-Your twin sister forgot your birthday!
-You call Suicide Prevention and they put you on hold!
-Your car horn goes off accidently and remains stuck as you follow a group of Hells Angels on the freeway!
-Your boss tells you not to bother to take off your coat!
-The bird singing outside your window is a buzzard!
-You wake up and your braces are locked together!
-You put both contact lenses in the same eye!
-Your husband says, “Good morning, Judy,” and your name is Sally!
Her latest book “The Confident Women” is on my Blog Library Shelf. The message in this book is a result of her personal journey from insecurity and self hatred to a confidence through which she is realizing her full potential.
Joyce didn’t always have it easy - From many years of sexual abuse in her childhood - into a bad marriage at 18 yrs old. Her first husband was a heavy drinker, had trouble keeping a job, had affairs with other women, and was a petty thief. That two year marriage ended badly! After giving birth to their son, she filed for divorce and moved back in with her parents.
Her victories began - when her son was nine months old; she met and married Dave Meyer after a whirlwind courtship of five dates!
"The Confident Women" is an awesome book - You’ll be inspired by her challenges, like diagnosed with breast cancer in 1989. You’ll be lifted by her FAITH and her TENACITY! You’ll be empowered as she explores the Seven Characteristics of a Woman with Confidence! You’ll understand why at +63 yrs old, she still wants to climb huge mountains and live each day in victory!
WHAT ABOUT YOU? WE NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU…..Is there one particular Women Speaker, Preacher, Author and book that has inspired YOU? Please Post a comment below so all of us can be encouraged to expand our studies!Remember, Blogging is about building “community” through a dialog of comments……NOT just reading MY thoughts! I WANT TO LEARN FROM YOU ASWELL!
Dear God,
To whatever extent
I fail to respect
the power and glory
of the female sex,
may my mind be corrected
and my heart be transformed.
Help me to be bold, courageous
and confident in you Lord!
Help me not to see my age
( too young or too old)
as an obstacle, rather an asset.
Hey Pam-
I just read a great book called "Inside My Heart". It's is an autobiography written by Robin McGraw, wife of television talk show host Dr. Phil. Robin shares with women how to put their faith in God while actively pursuing their dreams. She passionately wants women to know that they have choices in life and the decisions they make today will influence their lives tomorrow.
I know all the blogging "Girlfriends" will love it.
God Bless-
The Chatty Iowan
I have a great gift idea to give to all Mothers. It's called "The Invisible Woman" by Nicole Johnson...awesome book!!!!
It affirms women in their often unseen daily chores for their families. Admiration for the greatness of what you are building, when only God sees. It would be a treasured gift for our mothers and grandmothers!
Kathy L.
Beth Moore is one of my favorite Preachers. She founded Living Proof Ministries, with the purpose of teaching women how to love and live on God’s Word. God has used her to inspire ME to do more with my life!
Cindy D.
Hey Pam,
I really enjoy Joyce Meyer. She and Beth Moore are awesome. So are you. Great pics of your weekend. Too funny that Gary!! So very excited for him!! Thanks for all the awesome info and prayers on your website!! You are so inspiring!! May God continue to bless your every move!! Love, hugs and prayers!!! \o/\o/\o/
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