Friday, May 30, 2008

Choosing to remember our dreams and goals!

Pam’s Page 13 – “Finances”
Hello sweet blogging sisters-

To stay true with my calling to start this Blog, I share three topics every week. Shifting gears from the Tornado Tragedy Post - to one on “Finances” - has been hard for me today! I’ve spent extra time in thought and prayer!
I found strength knowing, “how God makes all things work together for good.” I thought about how much you and I can accomplish together! That as a group of women desiring excellence in our life, we may feel temporarily defeated……but we are never alone!

We are always lifting each other up………
So before I did today’s Post on “Finances” (Home-Based Business), I found a scripture to embrace. Phil.3:13 “Forgetting those things which are behind….I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”
Today’s Finance Post-
“Choosing to remember our dreams and goals!”

In a young girl, dreaming comes easily. Whether it’s a fairytale wedding, adventure and travel, a pony, plans for an exciting career or the perfect home filled with the warmth of family, dreams are part of most children’s everyday lives. Unfortunately, through the process of becoming a woman, sometimes dreams fall by the wayside and are quickly replaced with reality – bills to pay, toddlers to comfort, teenagers to corral and a clock to punch.

We’ve all had moments when it felt easier to give up, when life’s goals seemed to hard to reach! However, there are those women who choose to remember their dreams. With purpose and determination, they stretch beyond their comfort zones and discover that their dreams are within reach!
Their dreams become the fuel to reaching their goals!
(1) Make a list of goals and dreams you are currently working on. Write each one on 3x5 card and keep them near your bed. Each morning and each night go through the stack of cards, one at a time, read the card and visualize it as already completed.
(2) Share your goals with someone who will keep you accountable!
(3) Create your “Affirmation Statement”. Repeating an affirmation several times a day keeps us focused on our goals, strengthens our motivation, and programs our subconscious to do whatever it takes to make that goal happen.

“Be doers of the Word, and not hearers only.” (James 1:22)
Choose at least one action you can take to better visualize a goal and enjoy the satisfaction that comes from completing it, with Gods help.
Write it down, commit to it, and start today!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Praying for Iowa Tornado Victims & Families!

Pam's Page 13- "Family Life"
Our heart and prayers go out to everyone and their families in Parkersburg, New Hartford, and Dunkerton, Iowa!!

It's hard to wrap my arms and thoughts around their tornado tragedy, because I've never lived it. Even the pictures seem...........un-thinkable!!!!

I'm praying God's sufficient grace will sustain these victims and their families in their grief; and turn their ashes into beauty through His tender mercies and unfailing love!

THE NEWS SAYS- Iowa Governor Culver says the number of people killed by a tornado in northeast Iowa over the weekend has climbed to seven. Update: now nine!
The tornado damage in Parkersburg is absolutely incredible from the EF-3 tornado and 165 mph winds. Update: Experts are now saying it was a EF 5 Tornado with wind speeds of over 205 miles per hour!

It's been a very heartbreaking and emotional 24 hours for so many families in Parkersburg; particularly the Mulder family. The shell of a basement is all that's left of the home of longtime Parkersburg residents, Richard and Ethel Mae Mulder. Family members told us Mr. and Mrs. Mulder died in the tornado.

Their son, Rod, talked about his parents death live Monday during the KWWL News at 6.

"But, they were not found in this home. The tornado literally sucked them out of their home," said Rod Mulder. "Mom and Dad were both found a distance from behind the house, and dad a lot further away, and their van was found in debris on top of their house."
Rod says his parents were retired Parkersburg farmers and had just celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. At age 80, Rod says they simply were not able to make it to the basement during the tornado.

Three other victims from Parkersburg have been identified: Ray Meyocks, 71; Charles Horan, 72; Shirley Luhring, 71.
The names of the two victims from New Hartford have also been made public: Leasa Bleeker, 71; and Norman Beuthine, 48.

The Iowa Governor announced that federal and state disaster declarations will bring more help to northeast Iowa residents struggling to rebuild their lives.


It will take more than money to help to rebuild these lives! Even when you love God and believe in His promises. Even when you know without a doubt that you will see your loved one again. Even when you know hope is still there.

It takes time!

It takes wading through an ocean of tears for all you've lost!
It takes realizing God will comfort you! It takes discovering one day that the sun still shines. It takes prayer. It takes making the decision to stop asking for answers and start asking for perspective.
Then one day you take off the blanket of deep grief. You fold it neatly and tuck it away. You no longer hate it or resist it. For underneath it wondrous things have happened. Things that could have only come about - when Divine hope intersect with a broken world.

Dear God,
Intercede on behalf of the friends
and families involved in this tornado.
Help them to repair the damage done to
their property and their hearts!
Replace their fear with hope, dear God,
and turn any possible hate to love.

Many of our Blogger friends are starting to leave comments about others involved in this tragety! Please check back for updated comments and pray for each of their requests................

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Want to WIN a Special 4th of July Gift?

Pam’s Page 13 – “Friendship”

Yipeeeeeeeeeeee! Another FREE blogger gift to win!
That’s right! I want to bless one woman with a Special 4th of July Gift. You can keep it for yourself or have me mail it to a family member or friend! It's yours to give away!

Now--- are you ready to know more about this FREE 4th of July Gift?
Drum Roll please----
Win this beautiful Cross Photo Frame that reads:"We walk by faith , not by sight.."

Each time you post a comment on any of my blog posts from now until July 4th, I will enter you in this drawing. On the 4th of July my family will draw a name. I will Post the winner and her comment, so it’s still OK to leave anonymous comments! Make sure to check my Blog to see if it was a comment YOU left, because if you are the winner…..I will need further information. You can pull up my “Contact Me” link and e-mail me the address to ship the prize!

So, post away, post away, post away all......
I LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU: Thank you to the many ladies that come and visit my blog. I hope that you'll visit often and find this to be a source of inspiration and information. My blog is not a one way conversation. I hope you'll feel the freedom to post comments, questions and thoughts so that we can keep in touch. I love to hear your discussions!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Living life with enthusiasm, even for the flowers!

Pam’s Page 12 – “Family Life”Enthusiasm and excitement comes from believing for more good things in the days ahead, but it is also living in the moment and enjoying it to the celebrating the beauty of nature!

I was lacking yesterday morning-Have you ever woke up one morning and said, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I don’t have any drive. I don’t have any passion. I’m just going through the motions!”
Well, I have thought that on many mornings of my life, even yesterday morning! I woke up still tired and lacking any real passion for my day.
The truth is, much of life is routine, and we can become stagnant if we’re not careful. So I need to stir myself up, to replenish my supply of God’s good gifts on a daily basis. Like the Israeli people in the wilderness who had to gather God’s miraculous provisions of manna afresh each morning, we, too, cannot get by on yesterday’s supply. I need fresh enthusiasm each day! Our lives need to be inspired, infused, and filled afresh with God’s goodness every day!

Many years ago, I made a decision that I was not going to live another day without the joy of the Lord in my life; without love, peace, and passion; without being excited about my life! I understood that I didn’t have to have something extraordinary happen each day to be excited. I realized I could stir up my enthusiasm every day.

So I pulled myself out of bed-
I took my bowl of granola and went out on our patio to watch our dogs (The Babies) do their morning “thing” in the yard. Immediately I found my inspiration for the day, the supply of God’s good gifts! As I looked across our yard, I realized our Apple Trees were in full blossom! How gorgeous they look, after a hard cold Minnesota winter!

I walked over by our trees and began to focus on their massive amount of flowers! I started to remember the huge harvest of apples we had last year! I thought about the fun we will have watching the apples grow! The fun we will have giving bags of apples to all our friends and family this season. My grateful heart began to glow and once again – I was so encouraged and could start my day with enthusiasm!
Help Yourself – Encourage Yourself:
When everybody else is down and defeated, when you are all alone with nobody nearby to encourage you, simple encourage yourself. Our attitude can be: It doesn’t matter what anybody else does or doesn’t do, I’m going to live my life with enthusiasm! I’m going to stay on fire. I’m going to be aglow, even look for an Apple Tree to be grateful for! I’m going to be passionate about my life and seeing my dreams come to pass!PRAYER-
Dear God,
Please teach me
how to live each day with enthusiasm.
Show me how not to become
stagnant in my marriage,
with my children,
with my business
and serving you!
May I see beyond the routine
of life and replenish my supply
of manna everyday with
your help!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Joyful Jan brings great fun to their No-Tox Party!

Pam’s Page 12- “Finances”
Dear girlfriends-

Who says you CAN have FUN and make MONEY at the same time? Jan says we can…….

Once again, I am totally inspired by another woman. Her name is Jan Charbonneaux and she is a new business partner and friend of mine!

Jan is a very articulate and intelligent woman. Her life is full of family and an impressive job title, plus she teaches a few night classes at her local college! She’s very involved in many activities in their community and always stretches to do more to touch lives.

Last night I observed another side of Jan, her crazy fun-filled side. Brianne & Rickee Ewing hosted a Skin Care Party with Jan. And this wasn’t an ordinary party – it was a Pajama No-Tox Party (Anti-Ageing Products)!

Jan greeted all the guests wearing her fun pajamies, a rhinestone studded headband and our Hydrating Face Masque. She looked “special”(yah)……….and set the tone for a fun night!

Brianne & Rickee handled much of the details as the guests arrived and I did the No-Tox Presentation!

They played several quick fun games; enjoyed popcorn and Twist-Tube Beverage in water; sampled all the latest Lip Stick Colors and won prizes. Each guest voted on who they felt came wearing the cutest pajama -Top Prize was a new pair of pajamas and gift certificate!

Due to the dress (tee-hee) attire…..I could not post blog pictures of the crowd! However, it was a great turn out! We all had awesome girlfriend time, complete with lot’s of laughs and back rubs too! Women of excellence that chose to dress a little fun for one night!
Driving home-
I drove straight home (2 hours) praying that none of our Guest would be stopped and ask - "Why are you driving in pajamas?" (tee-hee)

Once again proving – You CAN have fun and make money too!

“Be doers of the Word, and not hearers only.” (James 1:22)
Choose at least one action you can take to put a little more FUN into your home life or business.

Write it down, commit to it, and start today!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Restoration Challenge Update - 60 Days left!

Pam’s Page 12- “Friendship”Hello my blogging girlfriends-

Did YOU take my Blog Restoration Challenge from April 17th? If you did or want to join now, post it in the comments section below for all of us to see. Please remember it is NOT just about weight loss, it’s about overcoming any type of critical self-concept you might see in the mirror. This is not “True Confession” where you need to share the exact details of your Restoration Details. That is between you and God!
A Prayer we should NOT want to say……….

Just as a personal accountability update-
I’m on “The Road to Good Eating Habits”. However, I really need to step-it-up over the next 60 Days to reach my “90 Day Health Goals”. I faced several adversities that I allowed to take me off track with my exercise goals. I need to focus on “The Road to Good Exercise Habits” and get in better physical condition.
I’m reminded of words from Joyce Meyers - If you suffer from self-doubt or self-hatred, if you abuse your body with bad food or bad habits, even if you simply put yourself at the very bottom of the list of people you do things for, under the kids and spouse and parents and business and friends, then you do not understand your own value. If you did, you wouldn’t treat yourself that way!

QUESTION - How is your “90 Day Restoration Goal” coming????
*I will post a “Restoration Update” on June 20th and July 20th. You can share any additional comments at that time, as well.
Dear God,
I wish to change my life,
so please, dear God,
change me.
Help me remember that my body
is a temple of the Holy Spirit.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Sandy attacks the “To-Do-List” - Part 3 of 3

Pam’s Page 11 – “Finances”

Hi sweet blogging friends-Have fun and be inspired by Sandy Teigs Part 3 and final post on "Time and Life Management".

Sandy Writes-
" very, very quiet...I’m huntin’ wabbits. I spend most of my time chasing that pesky wabbit, but he won’t get the best of me this time! ‘Cuz I’m gonna get him and when I do, I’ll........I’ll...... I’ll find me another wabbit to chase!"
Okay, so I’m coming out of the closet today and admitting that I am a wabbit-chasin’ addict. My “wabbits” are those special projects that come along in my life which require certain skills, intense focus and endless hours of time. I “attack” these projects with everything I’ve got – giving it my very best – to achieve the high standards I set for myself. When the tasks are completed, I enjoy euphoric sense of accomplishment for a while, and then I begin to look for another “wabbit” to chase.

You see, it’s not public recognition that fuels this driven woman, it is my addiction to the feeling I get at the end of the project. Sometimes that feeling comes from proving a naysayer wrong. Sometimes, that feeling comes from the release of bottled-up creativity. And sometimes, that feeling comes from allowing myself to do something just for the fun of it – when there might be other facets of my life that aren’t so fun.

I can’t speak for all task-oriented people, but there might be a few of you out there that are saying to yourself, “well, what is wrong with that”? The answer is; long as those wabbits we chase align with our values and God’s will for our lives. If those wabbits distract us from the things we value and doing God’s work, then we have an imbalance in our life that needs attention.

So, how do you determine if your “wabbits” are keeping you on track or causing you to run in circles?

Take a close look at the following diagram from Steven Covey’s book, "The 7 Habits of Highly Effectively People" (the Book is on Pam’s Blog Library Shelf). In fact, make a copy and put it near your planner, on the refrigerator, near your computer, wherever you will see it often.

As you begin yet another week of duties, expectations, tasks, etc. stop every time you see this Time Management Quadrant and ask yourself, “Of the four boxes, which one am I in right now?" Make a little mark in the appropriate square. By the end of the week, you might begin to see a pattern developing – as did I.

If you are honest with yourself, you will clearly see that either you are spending your valuable time on tasks that are important, or you are wasting your valuable time on things that are not important. “Important” is defined by what you value.

It will also be clear to you that you are either spending your time on things that are urgent, or things that are not urgent. Understanding the difference between the two can cause you to feel a renewed control of your time.
If you feel so lead, stop by this blog in a week or two and gives us some feedback on any discoveries you have made by taking the Quadrant Challenge.
It is my hope that this information will liberate you and empower you to move in a direction toward a well-balanced, productive, fulfilling life.
By the way, the pesky wabbit can be found in the Quadrant of Waste, under “Escape Activities”.
Sandy's Final Life Management Tip: If I am doing God’s will, my time will be spent in the top half of this quadrant.

If you'd like an 8x10 copy of Covey's Time Quadrant Diagram, please send me an email from the "Contact Me" tab above. I'll reply back to your e-box with the PDF attached. You can then print it and place it were you will see it often!

Be doers of the Word, and not hearers only.” (James 1:22)
Choose at least one action you can take to spend time on tasks that are important and align with your values, God’s will for your life!
Write it down, commit to it, and start today!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

First Kiss???

OK blogging sisters (Frolic ONLY)-
Did you need a laugh today??? I recieved this on e-mail today and just had to SHARE (tee-hee)!
Before your "First Kiss" several questions might come to mind--------

Is it the right time?
Is anyone watching?
Does your partner even want to?
Is your breath fresh? AND,---then you decide to just go-for-it.........


You - A Mighty Woman of Valor? Yeh-up……YOU!

Pam’s Page 11 – “Friendship”
Hello sweet girlfriends-

This morning I was reading about the story of Gideon in my Bible, and I thought of you. I wondered how many of you have sensed God has great plans for you, just like Gideon. Something big he has for YOU to do?

In Bible times an angel appeared to Gideon and said, "The Lord is with you, you mighty man of valor.”
Believe it or not, that is how God sees you, too. He regards you as a strong, courageous, successful, overcoming woman!

Have you ever felt like me sometimes? Saying to God, “I’m not any of those things. I’m not really strong. I’m not successful enough. Courageous? Are you kidding? Me? God probably said those great things to Gideon because he was secure and confident, because he was a great leader.”
Not so! When the angel went on to tell Gideon how God wanted him to save the people of Israel from the Midianites, a vicious, pagan people who had overrun their land, Gideon showed his true colors. He replied, “How do you expect me to save the people of Israel? I come from the poorest family in all of Manasseh. And I am the least one of my father’s house.”
Sound familiar?But it’s interesting to note the difference between the way Gideon saw himself and the way God regarded him. Although Gideon felt unqualified, full of fear, and lacking in confidence, God still addressed him as a mighty man of valor. Gideon felt weak; God saw him as strong. Gideon felt unqualified; God saw him as competent to do the job. Gideon felt insecure; God saw him with enough confidence and boldness to lead His people into battle and come out with the victory. And Gideon did!

Similarly, God sees you and I as champions. We may not always see ourselves that way, but that doesn’t change God’s image of us.

Please consider this:
We can change the image we have of ourselves. How? We can start agreeing with God. Remember, God sees us as strong and courageous, as women of great honor and valor. He sees us as being more than a conqueror. He wants to use us in spite of our weaknesses.

CAN WE HEAR FROM YOU?If you have a certain Bible verse, that strengthens it in the comments section below for all of us to see. Some of you may be like me and have different life verses for different seasons you've walked through with God. So, post the most meaningful one at this point in your life. Right now, mine is 2 Tim.1:7, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love and of sound mind!"
PRAYER:Dear God,
Please impress upon me
the vision of whom I am meant to be.
Reveal to me the bigger life
that You would have me live.
Undo the forces that keep me bound
that I might serve You more.

Friday, May 16, 2008

God has plans-NOT problems-for our lives!

Pam’s Page 11 – “Family Life”
OK, I have return to my computer and to my Blog!
I had a crazy full schedule the past 10 days, but top on my list of priority’s was my Mothers emergency health challenge! I'm excited to share the great thing our Lord has done for my Mother this past 10 days and what the Lord has been teaching me!

The school of life offers some difficult courses, but it is in the difficult class that one learns the most – especially when your teacher is the lord Jesus Himself.

I attended another such difficult class this past 10 days! I had my Mother in and out of two Emergency Rooms and two different Hospitals, getting test after test! She was in a “level 10 pain” for four days before a diagnosis was found! She is now in the recovery part (Praise God) of a medical condition called “Shingles”.

It was terrible watching my precious 80 yr old Mother (mentor & best friend) is such terrible pain, and feeling responsible to push each Doctor toward a quick solution!

I found comfort in Psalms 32:8I will teach you, and guide you in the way you should go. I will keep you under my eye.
I was reminded that, “God has plans-not problems-for our lives!” My faith is like radar which sees through the fog – the reality of things at a distance that the human eye cannot see. So all the “fog” of the Hospitals and Doctors didn’t blind me……my faith gave me site and I was reminded that God had a plan for my Mother! I can trust HIM.

As I began to write this Post, I was reminded of words from Corrie Ten Boom. In her book “Tramp For The Lord” she writes.......

My life is but a weaving, between my God and me,
I do not choose the colors, He worketh steadily,
Oftimes He weaveth sorrow, and I in foolish pride,
Forget He sees the upper, and I the underside.
Not till the loom is silent, and shuttles cease to fly,
Will God unroll the canvas and explain the reason why.
The dark threads are as needful in the skillful Weaver’s hand,
As the threads of gold and silver in the pattern He has planned.

Although the threads of my life have often seemed knotted, I know, by faith, that on the other side of the embroidery there is a crown. As I have walked the world – a tramp for the Lord – I have learned a few lessons in God’s great classroom. Even as I share these things with those of you who read this book, I pray the Holy Spirit will reveal something of the divine pattern in God’s plan for you also!
PRAYER-Dear God,
Please impress upon me
the vision of whom I am meant to be.
Reveal to me the bigger life
that You would have me live.
Help me to view life as a classroom
and you as my Teacher!
To trust the plans You have for me!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mothers Day Drawing RESULTS-

Pam's Page 10 - "Family Life"
Happy Mothers Day to All-

This has been an amazing Mothers Day, one I'm NOT likely to forget!
The things I expected to happen today: My husband, my Mother, our daughter, our son-in-law, two granddaughters and myself would share an exciting day! We would all start out at their church, with our daughter singing a solo (Giving Mommy Dandelions, A Hand Full Of Weeds......but Meant More Than Any Roses). Then we would share a wonderful dinner and head to our Granddaughter's Dance Recital for the whole afternoon. After that - we would return to our daughters home where she and my Mother would draw the winning name for my Blog Drawing!
*Picture taken TODAY - myself, our daughter and two granddaughters!
*Notice my Mother is MISSING from this picture????
This Mothers Day was full of those "surprise" moments in life (Yikes)- My Mother has been in the Hospital since Friday! The last 5 days were full of many challenges, Mom in and out of two emergency rooms and admitted into two different Hospitals. However, I have watched God perform many miracles and to make a long story short - MY MOM GETS OUT OF THE HOSPITAL TOMORROW! Long story but - Praise the Lord!

Now--- are you ready to know WHO won my Blogging Mothers Day Drawing? Drum Roll please----

Congatulations to the Winner of My Mothers Day Drawing -The Chatty Iowan who wrote "It makes my DAY, every time I visit your blog! You are truly committed to "EMPOWERING" us all. Keep the articles coming girl!!!!Love-The Chatty Iowan.
You have Won: The Book - "Inside My Heart" by Robin McGraw
I will need further information: Since you are anonymous - can you please pull up my “Contact Me” link and e-mail me the address to ship your prize! You can have me mail it to you, your Mother, your Grandmother or any's yours to give!
Thanks to all who participated: I have been very blessed by all your "Comments"!!!!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Sandy attacks the “To-Do-List” - Part 2 of 3

Pam’s Page 10 – “Finances”

Yipeeeeeeee, Part 2 of 3 is here.....

Once you’ve determine if a task has to be done, how do you figure out who is the best one to do it? You’re going to get a few great ideas in this Part 2 of 3 offered on "Time and Life Management".

Sandy Teig Writes-
Pam’s question to me was, “What do you think young mothers need to know about task management?” As a fellow student, certainly not an expert, I offer the following tips that have helped increase my productivity!

For over three years, I have carried a small card in my planner that has two questions written on it:
A) Does it have to be done?
B) Can I hire someone else to do it?
Once I determine if the task has to be done, then I figure out who is the best one to do it. There are some things that only we mommies can do – mommy things like giving comfort to your sick child, helping the kids with their piano lessons, taking time to listen to their stories of the day, etc.

There are some things that only we wives can do – “wifey” things like......well, you wives know what “wifey” things are and there aren’t many of those that could or should be hired out.

As managers of the home, we should continue doing those tasks that only we can do and hire someone else to complete the rest of them. “But, Sandy”, you say, “I can’t afford to hire someone”. Really? I thought the same thing. Then, I actually used my head to figure this out: if I can generate an average of $20/hr income from my business and hire someone else to do my laundry and vacuum and dust my house at $10/hr, then I am still netting $10/hr, right? Wrong! I am netting $30.

The difference between what I make and what I pay an hour is +$10. Plus, the one hour I didn’t have to spend doing laundry and cleaning (because I hired someone else to do it); can be used to make another $20.

So, what I initially thought was an expense that took money away from my family, actually enabled me to make more money for my family.

Summary Tip - Hire it done!


When a competitive swimmer gets to the end of the pool and has to turn around to go another lap, she either makes or loses time in the turn. The turn must be quick, precise and strong enough to propel the body mass into a completely different direction. The same requirements apply to task management.
When you are coming to the end of one task (the wall) be thinking of the direction you need (not want) to go next. Use the built up inertia from the existing task to propel you on to the next task. Sounds like philosophical mumbo jumbo? Okay, here is a practical application. When I paint a room – which I do for hire now and then – before I make the last pass of my paint roller on the wall, my mind is already in the next room. I know where the next gallon of paint, the tray, roller and brush are and I know which corner of the room I am starting in. My transition from one room to the next is very quick – just like the swimmer’s turn at the wall. The personal satisfaction I feel from completing one room is the “inertia” that carries my energy and strength into the next room. If I would take a few moments to stand back and admire the paint job in the first room or take a “chocolate break”, I would lose valuable momentum.
Summary Tip - Make your transitions efficient.


I’m currently working with my 11 and 7 year olds to help them understand the second half of this concept. It is easier to find your shoes in time to get on the school bus in the morning if you know where it is that you laid them the night before. If shoes have a designated place to be when they are not being used (the closet) just like they have a designated place to be when they are being used (your feet), it makes finding them so much easier than looking under the bed, in front of the door, beside the toilet, in the back yard, etc.

While working at the farm, my husband would say to me, “If you borrow a tool from the shop, put it back where you got it because the next person expects it to be there”.
For me, the second biggest distracter from productivity is the time it takes to find things when my space lacks order. When I take time to bring order to my world, my spirit is at peace.

Summary Tip -Time invested in bringing order to your space can yield great returns.
Tune in next week for my final of three blog articles on time/life management. In this upcoming article, I will reveal my number one distracter from productivity with the hopes that through my confession, you may find liberation.
See you next week- Sandy

Additional Comment from PAM.....*As our children were growing up, they were always given “household chores” based on their age and abilities! Scott and I chose to not offer them an allowance for those tasks. Our approach was, We are a Team, we all live here….so lets all work together to take care of OUR home!” They were always offered “extra” opportunities, if they wanted to earn money. EXAMPLE: Do one of Dad’s jobs - like wash the car, clean the garage, etc! Do one of Mom’s jobs – make supper, do the laundry, etc!

Additional Comment from PAM.....*Our daughter is now a mother of two, home schools their 5 year old and still finds time to work many aspects of her Ministry! She has found a web-site that has been VERY helpful regarding the topics of home organization and time management! Click this link to view- FlyLady
I wish to manage my home
with more order and peace.
So please, dear God,
show me how.
Release the chains that bind me
and free me to live my life without regrets .


Friday, May 2, 2008

Sandy attacks the “To-Do-List” - Part 1 of 3

Pam’s Page 9 – “Finances”
Hi sweet blogging friends-

As you know, this Blog is NOT about me! This Blog is a kaleidoscope of Inspiring Women. Today’s post was written by a dear friend and business partner of mine – Sandy Teig. The following is the first of a series of three articles offered by Sandy, on "Time and Life Management".

SANDY WRITES-Her name was Nova. She was my mother’s mom. In her youth, she was a feisty red head. She got mad at the boys one day for dipping her long red braid in the ink well at school. In defiance, she rode her horse at a full gallop home and proceeded to cut the entire 10” braid off at the base of her neck. “That’ll teach ‘em.” I would often get the shoe box down from the shelf in her spare bedroom just to touch that braid she had kept and ask to hear the story again.

As a young mother in the 1930’s she helped my grandfather with the farming duties, raised two children and operated her own home-based business. She had an egg route and would deliver dozens of eggs to clients in the neighboring communities each week.
Sprinkled throughout my childhood are memories of the things I learned from Nova. She was taking vitamins before vitamins were cool. She offered free advice like, “keep your colon clean!” She demonstrated to me that chickens really do run around when their heads are cut off – just one of the many steps it took to get to mom’s delicious chicken and noodles. She introduced me to yogurt and showed me how to find juicy strawberries hidden under the leaves of the plant.

When I was a young college woman, she taught me perhaps one of the most important of life’s lessons. She was in her 80’s then and living in a low income housing apartment. I stopped by during one of my trips home for a visit. She didn’t walk much anymore, but could maneuver in her small apartment on a motorized cart. We chatted for awhile about the scandalous things they were talking about on the Phil Donahue show these days. Then, I asked, “what ya got planned for tomorrow?” I’m not sure what I was expecting to hear. I just didn’t expect that the next words to come out of her mouth would echo in my mind for nearly 30 years...”I’m going to clean the refrigerator”, she said.

In my youthful ignorance I laughed sarcastically to myself, “You can do that? You can take a whole day to clean a refrigerator?” It wasn’t just one day. She had already arranged things on the counter – pans, cleaning supplies, etc. for the next day’s event. There wasn’t even much in her refrigerator – certainly not any of those sticky spilled juice runs down the back side that take forever to wash off. I am sure I giggled about the “refrigerator task” for days – perhaps years – until life began to chip away those rough edges on my shoulders. Then I began to see the value of what she unknowingly taught me that day:

There may come a day in my life when it will take me a whole day to clean the refrigerator – but it isn’t today.

Today, by God’s grace, I am strong. I am healthy. My mind is sharp and my heart is joyful. In just one day I can load and unload the dishwasher, scoop hundreds of bushels of soybeans out of an overhead bin, take and place a client’s order, pick out worship songs for Sunday morning’s service, wash 3-6 loads of laundry and fold them, practice Fur Elise on the piano, fill the cat feeder, put the dog away, sort the mail, fix supper and tenderly rub the backs of my two children when they go to bed. Some times I look at my “to do” lists and sit back in amazement at the diligence, coordination, determination and endurance required. Then I think of Nova.

What did her “To-Do-List" look like when she was in her mid 40’s? I am confident they required high levels of stamina and time management skill. Who knows, if we could turn the time line around, what would she say about my lists? Would she chuckle to herself and say, “really, Sandy, is it going to take you a whole day to do that?”

Whatever stage of life you are at - whether your “To-Do-List" has 20 things on it for today or one, attack the list with 100% dogged determination. Then check off today’s tasks and get ready for tomorrow. Take a brief moment to enjoy the satisfaction that comes from completing a task and give your Maker the thanks He deserves for helping, guiding and protecting you.

Sandy’s Tip #1: When the lists get shorter, the tasks will still require 100%.

TAKING ACTION“Be doers of the Word, and not hearers only.” (James 1:22)
Choose at least one action you can take to be more effective with your “To-Do-List” and enjoy the satisfaction that comes from completing it, with Gods help.

Write it down, commit to it, and start today!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Slumber (not likely) Party at the Riley’s – Beth Moore Woman's Event!

Yipeeee! MARK YOUR CALENDARS-For those Girlfriends that can be in Minneapolis the night of Friday July 18th, it’s a “Pajama Party” at the Riley House and nearby Hotels!

Beth Moore Ministries -will be at our Target Center Coliseum. It will be an awesome fun-filled Bible study, teaching, and worship experience to enrich your mind, soul, and spirit!

Beth's Living Proof Live Event is scheduled in two parts-
Part #1
- Friday 7:00 - 9:30 p.m. (Then MY Non-Slumber Party)
Part #2 – Saturday starts at 8:30 a.m., ending at Noon!
*Ticket covers both events, cost $55.00

Beth's focus will be on the Scripture that God lays on her heart for each individual Living Proof Live event — no two are the same. As she explores the Bible and how it applies to real life, you'll be amazed by her own experiences as a believer, and you'll be inspired to magnify and strengthen your own relationship with God.

Beth's mission is to guide women everywhere into a richer, more fulfilling relationship with the Father. She is a woman of purpose, preparation, prayer and passion! It's apparent in everything she does, from teaching Sunday School at her home church to sharing her biblical insights and observations in her Bible studies and books.

CLICK HERE - to get MORE details, buy a TICKET or view her other SIX Event Locations Across the USA- Beth Moore Living Proof Events

Want to WIN a Mothers Day Gift?

Pam’s Page 9 – “Family Life”
That’s right! I want to bless one woman with a Special Gift. You can keep it for yourself or have me mail it to your Mother, Grandmother or friend!

Now--- are you ready to know more about this FREE Mothers Day Gift? Drum Roll please----

Win the Book - "Inside My Heart" (Oh yes!)
It is an autobiography written by Robin McGraw, wife of television talk show host Dr. Phil.

HOW A NAME WILL BE DRAWN ON MOTHERS DAY: Each time you post a comment on any of my blog posts from now until Mothers Day (May 11th) - I will enter you in this drawing. On Mothers Day my Mother and our daughter Sheri will draw a name.

I WILL POST IT THAT AFTERNOON:I will Post the winner and her comment, so it’s still OK to leave anonymous comments! Make sure to check my Blog to see if it was a comment YOU left, because if you are the winner…..I will need further information. You can pull up my “Contact Me” link and e-mail me the address to ship the prize! You can have me mail it to you, your Mother, your Grandmother or any's yours to give!

So, post away, post away, post away all........

Dear God,
I give You
praise and thanks

for the many blessings in my life,
and specifically for giving

me such a selfless Mother!
May all her steps be blessed!

It's what makes a house a HOME!

It's what makes a house a HOME!

We are in each others LIFE for a reason!

We are in each others LIFE for a reason!

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