Yipeeeeeeee, Part 2 of 3 is here.....
Once you’ve determine if a task has to be done, how do you figure out who is the best one to do it? You’re going to get a few great ideas in this Part 2 of 3 offered on "Time and Life Management".

Pam’s question to me was, “What do you think young mothers need to know about task management?” As a fellow student, certainly not an expert, I offer the following tips that have helped increase my productivity!
For over three years, I have carried a small card in my planner that has two questions written on it:
A) Does it have to be done?
B) Can I hire someone else to do it?
Once I determine if the task has to be done, then I figure out who is the best one to do it. There are some things that only we mommies can do – mommy things like giving comfort to your sick child, helping the kids with their piano lessons, taking time to listen to their stories of the day, etc.
There are some things that only we wives can do – “wifey” things like......well, you wives know what “wifey” things are and there aren’t many of those that could or should be hired out.

The difference between what I make and what I pay an hour is +$10. Plus, the one hour I didn’t have to spend doing laundry and cleaning (because I hired someone else to do it); can be used to make another $20.
So, what I initially thought was an expense that took money away from my family, actually enabled me to make more money for my family.
Summary Tip - Hire it done!

When a competitive swimmer gets to the end of the pool and has to turn around to go another lap, she either makes or loses time in the turn. The turn must be quick, precise and strong enough to propel the body mass into a completely different direction. The same requirements apply to task management.
When you are coming to the end of one task (the wall) be thinking of the direction you need (not want) to go next. Use the built up inertia from the existing task to propel you on to the next task. Sounds like philosophical mumbo jumbo? Okay, here is a practical application. When I paint a room – which I do for hire now and then – before I make the last pass of my paint roller on the wall, my mind is already in the next room. I know where the next gallon of paint, the tray, roller and brush are and I know which corner of the room I am starting in. My transition from one room to the next is very quick – just like the swimmer’s turn at the wall. The personal satisfaction I feel from completing one room is the “inertia” that carries my energy and strength into the next room. If I would take a few moments to stand back and admire the paint job in the first room or take a “chocolate break”, I would lose valuable momentum.
Summary Tip - Make your transitions efficient.

I’m currently working with my 11 and 7 year olds to help them understand the second half of this concept. It is easier to find your shoes in time to get on the school bus in the morning if you know where it is that you laid them the night before. If shoes have a designated place to be when they are not being used (the closet) just like they have a designated place to be when they are being used (your feet), it makes finding them so much easier than looking under the bed, in front of the door, beside the toilet, in the back yard, etc.

While working at the farm, my husband would say to me, “If you borrow a tool from the shop, put it back where you got it because the next person expects it to be there”.
For me, the second biggest distracter from productivity is the time it takes to find things when my space lacks order. When I take time to bring order to my world, my spirit is at peace.
Summary Tip -Time invested in bringing order to your space can yield great returns.
Tune in next week for my final of three blog articles on time/life management. In this upcoming article, I will reveal my number one distracter from productivity with the hopes that through my confession, you may find liberation.
See you next week- Sandy
Additional Comment from PAM.....*As our children were growing up, they were always given “household chores” based on their age and abilities! Scott and I chose to not offer them an allowance for those tasks. Our approach was, “We are a Team, we all live here….so lets all work together to take care of OUR home!” They were always offered “extra” opportunities, if they wanted to earn money. EXAMPLE: Do one of Dad’s jobs - like wash the car, clean the garage, etc! Do one of Mom’s jobs – make supper, do the laundry, etc!

When a competitive swimmer gets to the end of the pool and has to turn around to go another lap, she either makes or loses time in the turn. The turn must be quick, precise and strong enough to propel the body mass into a completely different direction. The same requirements apply to task management.
When you are coming to the end of one task (the wall) be thinking of the direction you need (not want) to go next. Use the built up inertia from the existing task to propel you on to the next task. Sounds like philosophical mumbo jumbo? Okay, here is a practical application. When I paint a room – which I do for hire now and then – before I make the last pass of my paint roller on the wall, my mind is already in the next room. I know where the next gallon of paint, the tray, roller and brush are and I know which corner of the room I am starting in. My transition from one room to the next is very quick – just like the swimmer’s turn at the wall. The personal satisfaction I feel from completing one room is the “inertia” that carries my energy and strength into the next room. If I would take a few moments to stand back and admire the paint job in the first room or take a “chocolate break”, I would lose valuable momentum.
Summary Tip - Make your transitions efficient.

I’m currently working with my 11 and 7 year olds to help them understand the second half of this concept. It is easier to find your shoes in time to get on the school bus in the morning if you know where it is that you laid them the night before. If shoes have a designated place to be when they are not being used (the closet) just like they have a designated place to be when they are being used (your feet), it makes finding them so much easier than looking under the bed, in front of the door, beside the toilet, in the back yard, etc.

While working at the farm, my husband would say to me, “If you borrow a tool from the shop, put it back where you got it because the next person expects it to be there”.
For me, the second biggest distracter from productivity is the time it takes to find things when my space lacks order. When I take time to bring order to my world, my spirit is at peace.
Summary Tip -Time invested in bringing order to your space can yield great returns.
Tune in next week for my final of three blog articles on time/life management. In this upcoming article, I will reveal my number one distracter from productivity with the hopes that through my confession, you may find liberation.
See you next week- Sandy
Additional Comment from PAM.....*As our children were growing up, they were always given “household chores” based on their age and abilities! Scott and I chose to not offer them an allowance for those tasks. Our approach was, “We are a Team, we all live here….so lets all work together to take care of OUR home!” They were always offered “extra” opportunities, if they wanted to earn money. EXAMPLE: Do one of Dad’s jobs - like wash the car, clean the garage, etc! Do one of Mom’s jobs – make supper, do the laundry, etc!
Additional Comment from PAM.....*Our daughter is now a mother of two, home schools their 5 year old and still finds time to work many aspects of her Ministry! She has found a web-site that has been VERY helpful regarding the topics of home organization and time management! Click this link to view- FlyLady
I wish to manage my home
with more order and peace.
So please, dear God,
show me how.
Release the chains that bind me
and free me to live my life without regrets .
I wish to manage my home
with more order and peace.
So please, dear God,
show me how.
Release the chains that bind me
and free me to live my life without regrets .
It makes my DAY, every time I visit your blog! You are truely commited to "EMPOWERING" us all. Keep the articles coming girl!!!!
The Chatty Iowan
Sandy and Pam,
You both have great ideas. It is the training of the spouse and child in my house that seems to be the problem. I wish I could use the dog trainer for them as well.
Love ya,
Once again...great words of wisdom! Sandy you are an inspiration to all. You bring value to life by sowing truth into people. You help fuel my passion to complete the mission statement God has given me...'to inspire women to be all they were created to be'.
Thank you for being an amazing woman of God.
Your proud friend,
Kim Sellnow
Sandy, Your wisdom is amazing! You have shared simple, practical tips on being more productive. I especially liked the one on beauty & order in your surroundings. My personality can sometimes be unorganized & energetic & going in several directions at once. . .but when I take time to bring order & structure to my world, I do get more accomplished! Thank You for sharing your insights. You're the greatest! God Bless & Happy Mother's Day! Jeanne
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