Some days we just need an encouraging word or even just a hug that says, “I Love You!”
We women can be very hard on ourselves. Often we compare ourselves to others and begin to feel very insecure.
We entertain thoughts like, “She’s a better wife, mother, business women, housekeeper and cook! She’s prettier, has better hair, better body, smarter and more fun than me!”
The crazy thing is…..none of us are perfect! We all have some insecurity in at least one arena of our life! EXAMPLE: You will know when I’m cooking because the Riley House Smoke Alarm goes off (tee-hee)! I’m over it…..we eat OUT a lot. No problem! :-)

It’s easy to begin to feel very insecure about our weaknesses but no amount of achievement will eliminate these insecurities. No validation from our family or friends will totally eliminate these insecurities!
The only thing that has helped me deal with mine is to face them head on and ask God to help me use them to my advantage rather than my disadvantage. To be empowered by my weaknesses and use them to help others.

Sometimes I notice a woman feeling overlooked by others. So I’ll go out of my way to find something to compliment her on or say something to bring a smile to her face!
Occasionally I run into a rude woman and my initial reaction is to get miffed. But if I pause for just a moment, I can see under her tough exterior where a ton of insecurities rage. I’ll then choose to offer her compassion.
The most important part of facing my insecurities head on is to stop looking at others for my validation and truly learn to depend on God.
Many days I have prayed, "Lord I give you both my talents and my weaknesses today! You like me God and that is enough!"
JUDE 24-25 ~ "To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy--to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore. ~Amen."