Saturday, July 12, 2008

Three strikes and you’re out - the Tree Monster arrives!

OK blogging sisters (Frolic ONLY)-

Thursday of this week was memorable…..I was just ignoring the Storm Sirens as I busily finished my computer work. That was my missed opportunity #1, to go to our basement!
I had a great view of our backyard from my recliner and could see our trees seriously bending with the wind. That was my missed opportunity #2, to go to our basement!
THREE STRIKES AND YOU’RE OUT: Then the Babies (our dogs) broke out with insane barking because of a crazy crackling noise coming from our back yard.
At that very moment I looked up from my computer in time to see a giant Tree Monster land about two feet from the window and engulf much of our back yard!
1st Picture - A view of our back yard two weeks ago!
The other pictures were taken right after the storm passed, note one of our huge trees has consumed much of our yard!

People say, “Tragedy plus time equals humor!” The Babies (our dogs) nearly had a heart attack when the storm brought the tree flying toward our house on Thursday! Then they looked so confused during their first walk around the debris! Now they have figured out how to have fun maneuvering in their playpen (fenced yard) and still chase squirrels, despite the giant fallen tree. They are enjoying the adventure and will probably be disappointed when the “Tree Removers” arrive tomorrow to clean it all up.
Oh, Urghhhh – yes, I learned my lesson! I will head to the basement at the 1st warning next time!!!!!


Sheri said...

That's crazy mom! I'm just thankful you all are OK... Love you bunches!

Anonymous said...

Wow! sorry you lost a tree, but thankful that you weren't hurt and it didn't hit your house. Another adventure in our life. Love ya,

Front Porch Society said...

Yeah, I tend to ignore the sirens, too. I am the one who would go stand outside to watch the storm/tornado come rolling thru. lol. Glad to see you are safe, though!!
And thanks for the gift! I received it yesterday. :)

Kristin said...

This is timely. Todd came in Saturday morning and asked if we have glass coverage with our new auto insurance. We had a tree limb fall bounce and land on the trunk and back window of his car. No one was hurt, the window and truck lid are replacable.

Put the car in the garage and the bodies in the basement.


Kristin said...

This is timely. Todd came in Saturday morning and asked if we have glass coverage with our new auto insurance. We had a tree limb fall bounce and land on the trunk and back window of his car. No one was hurt, the window and truck lid are replacable.

Put the car in the garage and the bodies in the basement.


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