Today’s post was written by my dear friend and business partner, Sandy Teig.
Topic: Does it ever get easier?
We’ve heard and seen the warnings for a couple of weeks, now...the crickets chirping, the cicadas buzzing in the late afternoon, the morning dew highlighting the spider webs in the rural ditches and the cotton from the majestic cottonwoods fills the air like snow when a light breeze passes by. The seasons are changing. As one begins to rest, the other awakens.
The animals sense it too. The field mice are beginning to search for a better place to spend the winter and the Canadian Geese will soon give the order to their young goslings that it is time to pack up and head south.
We’ve heard and seen the warnings for a couple of weeks, now...the crickets chirping, the cicadas buzzing in the late afternoon, the morning dew highlighting the spider webs in the rural ditches and the cotton from the majestic cottonwoods fills the air like snow when a light breeze passes by. The seasons are changing. As one begins to rest, the other awakens.
The animals sense it too. The field mice are beginning to search for a better place to spend the winter and the Canadian Geese will soon give the order to their young goslings that it is time to pack up and head south.

How different are things in 2008? This morning, my children had to pick up their rooms and feed the cats and their fish before they got on a big yellow bus with a capacity of 50+ that picked them up at the end of our driveway and carried them two miles into town to a fairly new building that must have over 50 rooms in it. They will rent books that are the property of the state and eat a hot balanced lunch that is prepared by a paid staff of qualified cooks. My bank account will automatically send money to their lunch account to pay for their meals. I can go to a school website and check up on their grades and contact their teachers any time of the day. If my child stays home sick and I forget to call the school, the school will call me within 30 minutes of the beginning of the day to check up on my child. When my kids get off the bus, it is snack time, play time and of course, there is always homework. (Pictured below - Mandy and Nick Teig)

Although the scenes change dramatically from the 1800’s to the 1900’s to 2008, common threads connect the generations. What threads do you see? Mommies have been sending their children off to school for generations. Are their common fears? Challenges? Celebrations? We welcome your thoughts.
My daily prayer: Thank you, Lord, for commanding your angels to guard my children in all their ways. (Psalm 91:11)
Thank You-
Sandy Teig
Oh my gosh!!! That is what i have been reflecting on also. I am so excited and nervous for our dear daughter Sereen who is moving to a new school and new grade....9th. Have you seen Mankato West?? IT IS HUGE!! So my mommy heart says all kinds of things....be nice to her, don't shove her, don't make fun of her, i hope and pray is not late, on and on and on! LOL!! I remember the dreams i would have every year before school would start. I forgot the combo, i forgot my schedule or lost it again...will my dear sweet daughter deal with the same things? Maybe. That is part of it all. Making those break-thrus. She will grow. We will seperate a little. And it will be a good thing. My mommy heart is still very sad. Is she gonna need me less? I love the stages but they are not always easy for the mommy heart either. I can't imagaine what God goes through sometimes. God, "I know it hurts a little but you'll be ok, trust me!" It all comes back around to trust. Then their is our dear sweet GROWING son!Where to begin. He will be in 5th grade. The last grade for elementary! That seems hard in and of its self doesn't it? So they are both going through major changes this year. Then there is puberty!!! Oh my goodness sakes!!! He has got very hairy legs!! What is next?? Never mind don't want to think of it right now! LOL!! Sometimes this house is bursting at the seems with emotions and that is just our sweet dear son!! Wow!! Wish i had a manual!!! I keep thanking God for choosing me as their mommy and Mike as their daddy, cuz we make a pretty cool family. :o) So i guess it is on to double check everything is bought, done and ready to go, and know no matter what I am always here for them by the grace of God!!! God bless all you mommies!!!
I too have sent my "little ones" back to school this past week. However, I'm coming from a different perspective. My oldest daughter teaches high school science, next daughter is a collegiate volleyball coach & admissions councelor, my son is a collegiate athletic trainer & exercise physiology instructor. So no matter their ages, I'm still sending them off to school. Maybe not with the same apprehensions of years past, but still with a prayer for their success & that they will be a blessing & positive influence in the lives of their students. I still have those mommy/grand-mommy feelings for my three older grandsons. Derek in 4th, Brandon in 2nd & Luke in preschool. So for all of us Moms & Grandmas let's lift all our "little ones" up in prayer, knowing that the Lord is commanding the angles to keep them in all their ways! God Bless! Jeanne
Well, where do I start? My little one will be 19 in October and he is 800+ miles away. Dustin went off to college in June. He comes home for a week in the middle of September. I am anticipating with excitement seeing him again. We talk on the phone and he assures me he is fine. I have to take it all in faith that he is fine and eating on a regular basis. We send him cereal and his favorite Ramon noodles LOL. I never had Ramon noodles until he was born. He just started a new job that he is hoping to make enough money to buy a diffent vehicle. That will be a huge adjustment going with a payment that is 3 times what he was paying.
There certainly has been some big changes in our lives the last few months and I have to keep remembering I am not the one incharge, God is and have faith in him that everything will work out.
May God watch over all of our children as they start back to school.
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