Is it really necessary to gather your family and friends together for special events and Holidays?
Is the event even about them? Isn’t a Birthday just about YOU? Your Anniversary just about you and your spouse?
(1) Christmas - is ONLY about the birth of Jesus
(2) Thanksgiving - is ONLY about the Pilgrims landing in America
(3) Weddings - are ONLY about one couple
(4) Anniversary’s - are ONLY about one couple
(5) Birthdays - are ONLY about one person
For those of us that cherish our friends and family - we want to be together for these moments.
That is not only normal - its how God wired us, to seek fellowship.
There is nothing strange or selfish about your desire to gather with those you love.
We all want that place of belonging and being treasured by our loved ones.
(6) CHILDLIKE - Do some of the things that you did as a child, like watching Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, go ice skating, take a bubble bath, read a good book, make Christmas cookies, hot chocolate or popcorn balls.
If you're alone because someone close to you has died, or because your marriage or relationship has ended, realize that it's normal to feel sadness and grief. If you can’t be with your children or parents at a distance, realize that it’s normal to feel sad. It's OK to take time to cry or express your feelings. You can't force yourself to be happy just because it's the holiday season.
Psalm 46:1 "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble."
(1) REJOICE IN THE LORD - Play great worship music in your home and car. Study God’s Word and celebrate that Christ HAS come to free us from our sins and fears—to deliver us from the power of Satan, hell and death.
(2) VOLUNTEER - You don't have to be alone at the holidays. If you feel lonely or isolated, seek out community, your Church or other social events. They can offer support and companionship. Volunteering your time to help others also is a good way to lift your spirits and broaden your friendships. Volunteer your time to serve or deliver holidays meals for people in need. Ask your local hospital if the children's ward needs volunteers.
(3) DECORATE OR BAKE - Don’t tell yourself that it's not worth decorating or cooking when it's just you (maybe spouse too). Trust me, the lack of any festivity will make you feel more helpless. What's wrong with decorating your place or cooking a special meal just for yourselves? Chances are that doing the holiday activities that you're used to doing with family or friends will give you a lift.
(4) TELL SOMEONE - Don't hide the fact that you're spending the holiday/event away from family, tell someone. And don’t be afraid to tell someone that you need them. It’s okay to invite yourself.
(5) OUT OF YOUR HOUSE - Line up a special treat for yourself, like a concert, a massage, a short trip or something else that will get you out of the house and make the day memorable.
All these tips have help me, and I hope they help you!
But all LONELINESS has brought me (and still brings me) to the throne of God. Even if I’d never had a family to share my Holidays with, I have my place as a child of God. I belong to Christ. And He is also mine. We are family, we are one. And with Him I will always be home!!!!
I pray if you are lonely and hurting this holiday season to be comforted by peace in knowing Jesus Christ. I pray that God would provide relief to aching hearts as He sets the solitary in families. He’s done (still doing) that for me and I know He’s faithful to be near to the brokenhearted and save those whose spirits are crushed!!! REJOICE IN HIM!!!!
But all LONELINESS has brought me (and still brings me) to the throne of God. Even if I’d never had a family to share my Holidays with, I have my place as a child of God. I belong to Christ. And He is also mine. We are family, we are one. And with Him I will always be home!!!!
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