Pam’s Page 6- “Finances”One of the best lessons I learned from one of my mentors was, “Happiness is a decision we make, not an emotion we feel.” That lesson has affected every area of my life and most certainly been a key to my business success. People like to do business with happy, upbeat people. They want to be around people that lift them up and draw out the best in them.
When we get up in the morning, we choose to be happy and enjoy that day, or we choose to be unhappy and go around with a sour attitude. I call the sour attitude a “Pity Party” moment. And yes, sad to say – I still have my “Pam’s Pity Party” times. However, the crazy thing about a “Pity Party” is if you send out invitations - no one wants to attend. So life has taught me to keep my “Pam’s Pity Party” as short as possible, hopefully only minutes - not hours and certainly not days!
There is only one Pity Party Invitation I send out, that’s to my Heavenly Father. He is the perfect party guest. His Word and time with Praise & Worship Music, always reminds me that God wants me to enjoy my life. Then the "Pity Party" is over, back to living in victory! *If my issue/concern is big enough, I might have a couple of these party's during the same day! Again, my goal is always to keep these Party's as short as possible, hopefully only minutes - not hours and certainly not days!
You don’t have to wait for everything to be perfectly straightened out in your family or with your business, until you lose weight(yikes), break an unhealthy habit or accomplish all your goals. No, God wants you to be happy right where you are, right now.
Maybe you have allowed yourself to slip into the habit of waiting for everything to be calm, serene and settled before you lighten up and grant yourself permission to enjoy life.
None of us want to pull others down with our negative attitude. We don't want to be accused of lighten up the room when we LEAVE! Where is the victory in that?
Why not be happy now? Don’t go many years down the road and then realize, when it’s tragically too late. Appreciate your family and friends now! Enjoy the journey with your business now! “Happiness is a decision we make, not an emotion we feel.”
Today’s Nugget:
*Book- “Your Best Life Now” by Joel OsteenThis book teaches on 7 Steps to Living at Your Full Potential, the seventh step to enjoying your best life now is to choose to be happy today!
“Be doers of the Word, and not hearers only.” (James 1:22)
Choose at least one action you can take to avoid and shorten your “Pity Party’s”!(Please don’t pretend YOU never have one, tee-hee)
Write it down, commit to it, and start today!
Excellent post and a great reminder! We all have our "moments," don't we? ;) lol. Each and every day I have to mentally remind myself to find at least one thing to be happy over it and thankful for.
I'm not the only one!
I love how real you put stuff! Isn't it amazing how easily we can slip into the “Pity Party” you talked about! Your blog has become my favorite stop on my computer. I know I can count on you for inspiration or entertainment. : )
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