Saturday, April 12, 2008

Is this Heaven? No, it's Minnesota!

Need a laugh today?
We had a friend who was raised in the backwoods of Tennesee, where he said he really never saw snow. When he was flying into speak for us he looked out his plane window and became so excited! He saw what looked to be “grits” as far as the eye could see. As a southern country boy “grits” were his main food group! So like in the movie "Field of Dreams" he asked us, "Is this Heaven?"

We answered, "Are you kidding me, this is Minnesota! The land of endless snow fall, where you can only dream of Spring!"
Thursday April 10th all snow is melted. However, we had rain and 40 mph winds! My wreath almost blew off the front door and our house flag flew parallel to the ground!

Outside our home this morning, Saturday April 12th.

Again, more "grits" on the ground! Urghhhh.....will Spring EVVER really come?


Front Porch Society said...

I know the feeling. We have snow falling as I type - again. Spring just seems like it does not want to come this year! There are still piles of snow here and there around the city - hopefully it will warm up soon so everything melts!
I can empathise with the man from TN. Living in SC and TN for years, I forgot what snow was like and how cold winters got - until I moved back. Definitely takes some adjusting.

Anonymous said...


Move back south to Iowa, I have no snow in my yard this morning!

Just kidding, I too have snow! :-(

Let's both move our families to Florida. See Mickey Mouse any time we want!

The Chatty Iowan

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