Tuesday, July 22, 2008

90 Day Restoration Celebration!

Pam’s Page 19- “Friendship”

Hello sweet girlfriends-

Did YOU take my Blog Restoration Challenge posted April 17th, May 20th or June 19th? If you did, please post a comment below for all of us to celebrate your decision or discoveries!

AM I AN OVER WEIGHT VICTUM? When a part of my life is not working well it’s easy to pass the blame, procrastinate and develop victim thinking which ultimately drags my attitude down. For much of my adult life, the part that wasn’t working well has been my health. I have blamed many situations for my poor eating habits and lack of exercise!

MY EXCUSES? (1) I have lots of important things to do, people to help and I don’t have a lot of extra fluff time! (2) I don’t have time to focus on buying, making and eating the perfect foods to lose weight! (3) I hate to exercise, it’s no fun and it’s a waste of my time! (4) If I was just taller or had a faster metabolism I could eat anything and not gain weight!!!! (5) If I didn’t have to travel so much (business)…..I wouldn’t eat out at restaurants and fast foods places, with all those high calorie meals.

SOUND LIKE A WHINNER? Absolutely, my health excuses will never bring me victory in that arena! How about you? What challenge would you like to see victory in? No more excuses?

My personal Restoration Challenge is going great! I've moved on to bigger and better things by making myself accountable to others. On June 4th I sought wise council with a Fitness Coach and a Nutrition Coach, and have implemented their advice! I’m getting wonderful results! Yipeeeeeeee!

One of the best things I’ve discovered –
These coaches told me, “Surveys have shown that 85% of the people who are successful keeping weight off and staying regular with exercise…..keep a diary. They write down their goals, plus daily ledger what they eat and any exercise completed that day. This is a life long habit that has lasting results!”

*So they advised me to join the FREE SparkPeople.com program and I love it!!!!!
Click here to check out this FREE Website and Ledger your Meals & Fitness:
Get a FREE personalized diet or healthy lifestyle program. Register and get:· Meal plans and calorie counter
· Fitness plans and tracker
· Answers from our experts
· Much more
I’m still standing on this verse: "No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." Hebrews 12:11

Did YOU take my Restoration Challenge this past 90 days? If you did, please post a comment below for all of us to celebrate your decision or discoveries!


Anonymous said...

I love visiting your blog, I always feel both inspired and challenged.
I did not engage in your Restoration Challenge because I couldn't modivate myself to get started. Sorry!
Thank you for the tip about that SparkPeople site. I will start with that - daily ledger what I eat and any exercise I get.
This sounds like a life long habit that I need to develope. I'll let you know how it goes!
Thanks again.
Kathy L.

Anonymous said...

Pam, I took your challenge. At the beginning I could not run a full mile. I now run 4 miles 3 times a week. It is a fabulous time to remember that God provides the ability for us to heal ourselves if we only take him up on the offer. My mood is improved and I have muscles again. I am planning a half-marathon. Thanks for the inspiration. Gretchen

kimkbidwell said...

You are so right!! I have been struggling with my health again, the stomach stuff...well still. I need to just start again. I have been off the tredmill for so long....so i am going to get back on it for real. I keep saying it...but it is time for action not just words. I have to honor the temple the Lord has given me to praise him with. There you go...blessing me again. Thank you for your love and support. I don't get on the computer much anymore..it is a trap for me so i try to avoid it alot of the time. So here's to the last 20 pounds i need and want to lose!!!! It is December 6th, 2008!!! Time to turn over that new leaf!!! Or snowflake as the case may be!! Heheheh!!! Love you!!!
Kim Bidwell

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