Saturday, June 21, 2008

My Precious Mothers 80th B-Day Celebration!

Pam’s Page 16 – “Family Life”My Mom's Surprise Party Next Sunday…………

Ethel Harrington will Celebrate her 80th Birthday!Event -Open House Sunday June 29th
Location - Senior Center 105 S.4th St., Clear Lake, Iowa
Time - 3:30 to 5:00 p.m.

Come join us, if you are in the area! Please no gifts!

Mom came from a family of 12 children; was born and raised in Vermillion, SD.She and Dad were married for almost 61 years when he passed away on Aug.18, 2005.
They moved to Clear Lake in 1957 when Dad went into the Insurance Industry, his office was in our home.

Two Picture’s: Her Wedding in 1947 - My Wedding 1975

My Mom is truly one of my very best friends, but she is a friend to many! People often comment about her fun outlook on life and her passion to serve others! She loves her volunteer work at the Clear Lake Senior Center and Oakwood Care Nursing Home. She is an active member of her Methodist Church and offers a friendly smile to everyone in her community!

Mother to three -Dave Harrington and his wife Janelle of Clear Lake, IA; Steve Harrington and his wife Phyllis of Sioux City, IA; myself (Pamela Riley) and my husband Scott.
Grandmother to five- John Harrington and his wife Kristie of Edmond, OK; Sheri (Riley) Prescott and her husband Tony of Fort Meade, MD; Willem Riley of Lakeville, MN; Adam Harrington and his wife Shawna of Sioux City, IA; Amber Harrington of Sioux City, IA
Great Grandmother to five- Bethany, Brandon and Bailey Harrington; Savannah and Alisa Prescott
Mom is truly a Wife of Noble Character!
She has lived these verses in PROVERBS 31:
10 An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels.
11 The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain.
12 She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life.
20 She opens her hand to the poor and reaches out her hands to the needy.
25 Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come.
26 She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.
27 She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.
28 Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.
29 “Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.”
30 Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
I’m honored to call her - “Mom”
I’m blessed to surprise her with an 80th Birthday Celebration. To take that day and express my gratitude for all she has meant in my life, all she has meant in the lives of MANY!!!!
Thank you Lord-…..for such an awesome Mother, role model, mentor and friend!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Restoration Challenge Update - 30 Days left!

Pam’s Page 16- “Friendship”
Did YOU take my Blog Restoration Challenge posted April 17th or May 20th? If you did or want to join now, post it in the comments section below for all of us to see.
Moment of Truth: I just don't understand why everything goes straight from the lips to the hips (tee-hee)! Ugh... if only our cravings were for veggies, and running was a hobby.
Are you eating some styrofoam...oh...I mean "Rice Cakes"..GAG?
If only we could sit in front of the TV, eating M&M's or cheese-covered nachos while watching The Biggest Loser……and win the game (tee-hee)!

Have you heard the joke about the man who forgot his wife's birthday and she told him that to make up for it, there better be something in the driveway the next day that went from 0-200 in less than 5 seconds. The next morning she went outside and there on the driveway was a bathroom scale. The husband is still in the hospital. Oh, yeh!!!!!

Have you heard of the Dunlap Disease, when your belly done laps over your pants?
How about the Furniture Disease, where your chest has fallen into your drawers?

Maybe we need to be on some kind of accountability program - might keep us more faithful. Anyone out there who wants to be accountable with me as we offer each other encouragement - contact me. Our bodies are to be temples for His Spirit and I know mine needs some renovation.

Just as a personal accountability update-I’m on “The Road to Good Eating Habits" and "Regular Exercise", and I feel great! I really did step-it-up since my May 20th post, and have had consistent weight loss every week! Yipeeeeeeeee!

I’ve been doing a variety of exercises; walking our dogs (love it), running on the treadmill (feeling like a hamster), swimming laps (getting prunny fingers) and taking Pilates Class for the first time in my life! Pilates is an amazing form of exercise- but I'm afraid my "powerhouse" isn't very powerful. I’m looking forward to the day I can keep it (my stomach) engaged for the complete hour class! To no longer hear my coach say, “Pam, pull that powerhouse back in”!

So my personal Restoration Challenge is going great! I'm moving on to bigger and better things. No, wait, not bigger... smaller and better things (tee-hee)!

I’m standing on this verse: "No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." Hebrews 12:11

QUESTION - How is your “90 Day Restoration Goal” coming????*I will post a “Restoration Update” on July 20th. You can share any additional comments at that time, as well.
PRAYER:Dear God,
I wish to change my life,
so please, dear God,
change me.
Help me remember that my body
is a temple of the Holy Spirit.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Praying for Iowa Flood Victims!

We have a dear blogging sister - who is living the flood disaster in the Cedar Rapids, Iowa area!

She writes- "There is hope. It will not be easy. But we have hope. Our city is known at the City of Five Seasons. This year, our fifth season is determination. And this determination will carry us through!"

Visit her blog for more photo’s and prayer needs, click here- Our Cedar Rapids sister - Snapshots of Growth

Dear God,
Intercede on behalf of the friends
and families involved in this flood. Help them to repair the damage done to
their property and their hearts! Replace their fear with hope, dear God, and turn any possible hate to love.


Why are women interested in a Home-Based Business?

Pam’s page 15 – “Finances”
Hello sweet blogger friends-

I’ve spent my whole adult life enjoying our home-based business and have found it a forum for astounding personal and professional growth! I could bore you for days, just talking about the blessings I have received from this area of my life!!!!

I’d rather hear from YOU! Listed below is what one magazine had to say. If you are in a home-based business - "comment" on which one of these “7 Reasons” motivated you and why?
The Top 7 Reasons WOMEN are interested in a Home-Based Business Opportunity-

1) Freedom & Flexibility – The freedom to choose when and how much to work is something that traditional employment does not offer.
2) Financial Security & Control Job security is a myth. Building your own business allows you to control your future. Whether you’re using your business to create a savings cushion, to make ends meet or to replace a corporate income, direct selling gives you options and the ability to take control.

3) Tax Benefits – OK, so perhaps tax benefits aren’t the most exciting aspect of owning your own home-based business. But the allowed deductions can make a real difference in what your family pays in taxes each year. From deducting a portion of your home to supplies and mileage, the savings can add up.

4) Recognition – When’s the last time someone cheered when you walked in the door at work? Did your husband even notice when you last mopped the floor? Recognition is something that is practically nonexistent in an adult’s day-to-day life….but not here!

5) Personal Growth – In too many cases, women stop learning when their formal education ends. Owning your own business, particularly being part of a direct selling business, fulfills the need for continued personal growth. From overcoming personal challenges such as shyness to discovering how to make the most of your best character traits, this business provides a forum for astounding personal and professional growth.

6) Relationships – Women of every age enjoy the relationships that are developed in this business. It’s not only mothers with small children who crave interaction with other adults. Retirees who want to remain active and women who are new to a location and want to meet new people, find our business offers a community of positive interaction for women around the world.

7) No Limits – When you’re employed by someone else, you rely on them to give you a raise. When you’re the boss…you decide! Direct selling offers women a chance to set their own goals, to dream big and to create the life they want with no restrictions on territory or income. Perhaps that’s one reason that more young women are choosing this alternative career path over the corporate world.
I’d love to hear from you! If you have a home-based business - "comment" on which one of those “7 Reasons” was YOUR motivation and why?

Sunday, June 15, 2008

A special moment with YOUR Dad?

Pam’s Page 15 – “Friendships”Dearest Girlfriends-

I sooooooooooo want to hear from YOU! To hear about the special man God gave YOU – your earthly Father!

I’d love to hear “comments” about your Dad! Something he said or did that blessed YOU!

The pictured below was taken on Oct.4, 1975 with the two most important men in my life:(1) Scott had just TAKEN me as his bride. Do you notice his BIG smile?
(2) Dad had just GIVING AWAY his little girl. A little less happy face maybe?

Could some days as a Daddy, maybe be a little hard? Could watching your children grow up and leave home possibly be harder on our Dad’s than we realize? Could their strong exterior possibly be masking a heart yearning to still be telling us bedtime stories and watching us practice for our next dance recital? Well my Dad……….
MY DAD THE DAY I WAS BORN: Mom said he went rushing from the hospital and returned with a special gift for me! It was a beautiful pink can-can dress covered with layers of lace and pretty little bows. She said she was so moved by the joy on his face, she didn’t have the heart to remind him that they couldn’t afford it…..they barely had money for groceries! She also didn’t have the heart to tell him….it would be months before I would be big enough to fit into it (tee-hee)!

MY DAD GAVE ME TWO NICK NAMES: Most everyday of my life he affectionately called me Ga-Goo, which was short for Her Royal Majesty Ga-Ga-Goo. Occasionally he would just call me, “Miss America”….another way of conveying how much he believed in me!
MY DAD IN MY BUSY TEENAGE YEARS: Strangely in today’s world there is a pressure for parents to attend ALL their children’s ball games or special events so you demonstrate support and belief in your children. I’m not sure I agree with that theory! I think parents can empower their children without being a slave to those events! I was a cheerleader for six years (football, basketball and wrestling) plus competed in school track (6 yrs) and took dance lessons (7yrs). Other than one dance recital each year… Dad rarely saw me do any of those activities. Yet, he was my biggest cheerleader and encourager! EVERY word from his lips and his kind gentle smile demonstrated his support and belief in me! All the times he spent encouraging me to reach for my dreams and believe in myself. It is those moments I will always be grateful for!

MY DAD’S OUTWARD AFFECTION FOR MY MOTHER: One of the biggest gifts Dad gave me was watching how he treated my Mother! The way his eyes twinkled EVERY time he looked at my Mom. His nick name for her was “Doll Baby” and he treated her like a "priceless-china-doll".

MY DAD’S FINAL LESSON TO ME: Three days before he passed away, he was told there was nothing the Doctors could do and he would be moved to Hospice for his last few days. He was at total peace and his every word confirmed he had no fear and was ready to walk the streets of Heaven! *His approach to death taught me almost as much as his approach to life, because his concern was never about himself! Dad’s focus was always about the happiness of his family, that we would be loved and cared for. He left a legacy of “LOVE” and I know Heaven had a big celebration the day my Daddy arrived!

I sooooooooooo want to hear from YOU! To hear about the special man God gave YOU – your earthly Father!

I’d love to hear “comments” about your Dad! Something he said or did that blessed YOU!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Smores & Bon-Fire Family Fun Last Night!

Pam’s Page 15- ”Family Life”
The sun was setting.......

It was a perfect summer night to enjoy our back yard! The perfect night for "quality" family time outside - away from distractions like telephones, the T.V. and computers! Awesome quiet time away from our busy world and just enjoying nature!

That is - to enjoy NATURE and FOOD (tee-hee)....anything we could cook on a stick! So we roasted chicken breasts, fresh pineapple chunks and the men had hot dogs (no nutritional comments please)! I also prepared for the traditional “Smore” assembly!
While Scott, our son Willem and his girlfriend Stephanie enjoyed creating the perfect bon-fire I made sure to capture the "Kodak Moments" (tee-hee).

After the Smores Dessert, we talked about funny stories from the past!
Even our dogs “The Babies” wanted to be in on the family fun, having no fear of the hot fire!
It was the perfect ending to a perfect summer day! Where once again I am grateful for special family moments, for joy and laughter! Quality time away from the distractions of life!

PRAYER:Dear God,
Even with our busy lives
may love always prevail.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Learning to Rest and be Blest.

Pam’s Page 14– “Friendship”
Hello sweet girlfriends-

Has this week been a little too busy? As we head into another week-end, are you dreaming of a little “quiet time”? A little break from life? Does it feel like - you can’t handle one more detail or take one more step? You just want to close your eyes and meditate on happy thoughts?

If you said YES to any of those questions, I can relate! As a matter of fact, the picture below is my “SELF PORTRAIT” to summarize me taking control of my environment and finding total peace and relaxation on my back (tee-hee)!

*PICTURE: Notice my little hairy legs are perfectly crossed at the ankles (tee-hee)! Enjoying the warm laptop on my back (oh...yah)! This is the peeeeeeeeerfect way to relax!
So have I convinced YOU to rest yet? To take control of YOUR environment and just relax? Or are you totally convinced I am crazy (tee-hee)?
Well maybe you'll be inspired by the poet - Helen Steiner Rice as she writes……….

We all need “short vacations”in life’s fast and maddening race-
An interlude of quietnessfrom the constant, jet-age pace….
So, when your day is pressure-packedand your hours are all too few,
Just close your eyes and meditateand let GOD talk to you,
For, when we keep on pushing,we’re not following in GOD’S WAY-
We are foolish, selfish robotsmechanized to fill each day
With unimportant triviathat makes life more complex
And gives us greater problemsto irritate and vex…
So, when your nervous networkbecomes a tangled mess,
Just close your eyes in silent prayerand ask THE LORD to bless
Each thought that you are thinking,each decision you must make,
As well as every word you speakand every step you take,
For only by the grace of GODcan we gain self-control
And only meditative thoughtscan restore your “PEACE OF SOUL.”

2 Corinthians 9:8And God is able to make all grace abound toward you…..

Dear God,
I give You
praise and thanks
for the blessings in my life.
Teach me to take all
my cares to you.
To meditate on Your Word
each and every day.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sharing with a Sioux Falls Team yesterday!

Pam’s Page 14- “Finances”

Thank you Cindy DeVries and your Team!

It was great to be invited to teach at your Women’s Event in Sioux Falls yesterday! What a great team to work with, so many I can already call - Sweet Friend!

What a beautiful thing to see that many women so thirsty to live up to their full potential. Willing to become a student of success and build their Home-Based Business. I was so touched... amazed... filled with absolute joy.

During the program I asked Sandy and Kim to each cover an area. Sandy engaged the audience to create a list of “Life’s Activities” that rob our time, keep us from reaching our goals. Kim gave great tips on creating “Customer Satisfaction” and meeting their needs. They both did an awesome job and are such women of excellence!!!!

It was an additional blessing to have several of our Focus Night Trainers come with me for the day! Elizabeth, Kim, Jeanne, Sandy and I road together in Sandy’s Cadillac. We had a long day on the road that is for sure... but what an amazing time we had. Our conversation was center around Gods goodness and what more we can do to help other women! To help women grow in all areas of their life, including their business!

*Tired at the end of the day? Yup! However, no day is complete without eating at Perkins Restaurant with your friends(tee-hee)!

Trainers left to right: Elizabeth, Kim, Jeanne, Sandy & me

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Help protect me from the Life.....NOT!!!!!

Pam’s Page 14 – “Family Life”
Dear Girlfriends-

Life is full of so many awesome experiences, I love the journey! However, I must admit…….some days I’d like to hide out! Much like this cat, I’d like God to cover me with protective armor. Specifically protect me from any adversity or problems, any valley type experiences!

My gut feeling tells me - this cat probably isn’t having too much fun in the sack! God already knows that I too would find life boring, if it was only mountain top experiences! I would never put on “My Shield of Faith” because there would be no point….no real need for Him. I would miss watching God performing His many miracles!

Today I ran across a picture that reminded me of a miracle God performed in our life! A picture of our van after a tragic accident! I still feel some sadness when I look at this picture, memories come back like it was yesterday! However, it reminds me to always wear my “Shield of Faith” because life has surprises!

A little over 3 years ago my husband and I were in this terrible accident. Scott was driving and I was in the passenger seat. Our van took a direct hit on the drivers side, by a car going 65mph. Scott’s and his seat were crushed and moved over against me!!!!!!!

I quickly undid his seat belt, thinking I could pull him out to safety. That was when I realized all the van metal was rapped around him! He was completely pined in!

He said only two quick sentences-
1) "Pam I’m sorry, I screwed up!" (his driving error)
2) "Pray for me!"
After that, he went into shock and really doesn’t remember anything! With all his ribs broken, his pelvis completely crushed and many other challenges……it is a blessing he can’t remember the first few weeks. He went through a lot of life threatening moments, Doctors giving us bad reports! He was in the hospital for over a month, including time spent at a rehab to learn how to walk again. It was a hard time for our family, our son and daughter had never seen their father so fragile and vulnerable! Yet, Scott's faith and positive attitude never wavered for a moment! He inspired everyone that entered his Hospital room!

DURING THAT TIME:I stood on many of the 729 different Bible verses about healing. However, several scriptures on “Faith” actually strengthened me the most!

For the Iowa Tornado Victims of May 25th, the scriptures that helped me the most-
1) Heb.11:1 “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” I could NOT let what I saw define my reality….I had to exercise faith that God would help Scott through this! Faith that God was still in control.
2) Eph.6:13,16 “Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day….Above all, taking the shield of faith,….”
MIRACLES HAPPEN: It was only three months after that tragic car accident that Scott and I walked across an auditorium stage, happy tears running down our faces! He not only lived but was fully healed and even danced a quick jig for the crowd (an entertainer at heart)! Some say Scott is a walking Medical Miracle!
Scott and I say, “God is the Great Physician and healing comes when there is NO ANXIETY of mind, but ABSOLUTE CONFIDENCE in HIS (Gods) ability and love!”Scott and I believe, “Life can feel like a battleground sometimes (fighting for your life), but MIRACLES do happen when we wear the Shield of Faith!”
Can you share a specific event in your life, where you had to put on the “Shield of Faith”? A time when you could NOT let a tragedy define your reality…. so you exercised Faith, that God would help! Faith that God was still in control.

PRAYER-Dear God,
May every phase of my life
be blessed.
Help me to always
remember to
wear the Shield of Faith.
May my thoughts of fear
not block Your miracles.

It's what makes a house a HOME!

It's what makes a house a HOME!

We are in each others LIFE for a reason!

We are in each others LIFE for a reason!

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