We have a dear blogging sister - who is living the flood disaster in the Cedar Rapids, Iowa area!
She writes- "There is hope. It will not be easy. But we have hope. Our city is known at the City of Five Seasons. This year, our fifth season is determination. And this determination will carry us through!"

Dear God,
Intercede on behalf of the friends
and families involved in this flood. Help them to repair the damage done to
their property and their hearts! Replace their fear with hope, dear God, and turn any possible hate to love.
Thank you for the link to our Cedar Rapids Sister! I really watch very little news, because it is usually so negative. I appreciate her Blog as a place to stay connected to these victums and pray for their specific needs.
God Bless-
Kathy L.
Thanks, Pam....the cleanup in my area has begun. The hole in my ceiling where the wildlife managed to chew thru has been repaired yesterday. The construction trucks showed up yesterday to begin putting dirt back around the foundation and repairing the collapsed sidewalk and 6 foot wall separating me from the river waters, and the city trucks were spraying chemicals on the roads to sanitize them from the raw sewage left behind as the waters continue to recede. More cleanup still ahead but we are getting there!! :)
To all of those affected by the floods and tornadoes we ask God for continued safety during the clean up phase.
As noted in the blog above about sanitizing roads there are a lot of diseases that can be spread from stagnant water and molds.
Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone.
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