Thank you Cindy DeVries and your Team!
It was great to be invited to teach at your Women’s Event in Sioux Falls yesterday! What a great team to work with, so many I can already call - Sweet Friend!

What a beautiful thing to see that many women so thirsty to live up to their full potential. Willing to become a student of success and build their Home-Based Business. I was so touched... amazed... filled with absolute joy.

During the program I asked Sandy and Kim to each cover an area. Sandy engaged the audience to create a list of “Life’s Activities” that rob our time, keep us from reaching our goals. Kim gave great tips on creating “Customer Satisfaction” and meeting their needs. They both did an awesome job and are such women of excellence!!!!

It was an additional blessing to have several of our Focus Night Trainers come with me for the day! Elizabeth, Kim, Jeanne, Sandy and I road together in Sandy’s Cadillac. We had a long day on the road that is for sure... but what an amazing time we had. Our conversation was center around Gods goodness and what more we can do to help other women! To help women grow in all areas of their life, including their business!
*Tired at the end of the day? Yup! However, no day is complete without eating at Perkins Restaurant with your friends(tee-hee)!

Trainers left to right: Elizabeth, Kim, Jeanne, Sandy & me
This Ladies Afternoon was my first opportunity to hear your perspective on women in this business and I do believe my life will never be the same. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and for opening my heart to believe again! For this, I will always be grateful. You will be the wind-beneath-my-wings! I will not forget to strive to live each day at my full potiential. Thank you for being a leader of women, we need your boldness! I want to someday be a role model to others, as you have become mine!
Thank you for sharing. Wish I had been there instead of here-we clened out our basement for a remodeling job-I'm sore and exhausted!! Have a blessed week!!
In His Graces-
The Chatty Iowan
Love,love,love the jacket! Where did you buy it? It is a definate "stand out in a crowd" color!! Terribly sharp looking! :-)
LOL- Kathy L.
Thanks for the compliment on my yellow jacket. I don't remember where I bought it, it's been around for a couple of summers!It's one I just don't pull out of the closet much. It's probably too bold for some peoples taste, GASP!
Thanks again-
Look at all of those glowing faces. All of you are great blessings in my live. I know the women you spoke to were also blessed.
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