Dear Girlfriends-
Life is full of so many awesome experiences, I love the journey! However, I must admit…….some days I’d like to hide out! Much like this cat, I’d like God to cover me with protective armor. Specifically protect me from any adversity or problems, any valley type experiences!

My gut feeling tells me - this cat probably isn’t having too much fun in the sack! God already knows that I too would find life boring, if it was only mountain top experiences! I would never put on “My Shield of Faith” because there would be no point….no real need for Him. I would miss watching God performing His many miracles!
Today I ran across a picture that reminded me of a miracle God performed in our life! A picture of our van after a tragic accident! I still feel some sadness when I look at this picture, memories come back like it was yesterday! However, it reminds me to always wear my “Shield of Faith” because life has surprises!

I quickly undid his seat belt, thinking I could pull him out to safety. That was when I realized all the van metal was rapped around him! He was completely pined in!
He said only two quick sentences-
1) "Pam I’m sorry, I screwed up!" (his driving error)
2) "Pray for me!"
After that, he went into shock and really doesn’t remember anything! With all his ribs broken, his pelvis completely crushed and many other challenges……it is a blessing he can’t remember the first few weeks. He went through a lot of life threatening moments, Doctors giving us bad reports! He was in the hospital for over a month, including time spent at a rehab to learn how to walk again. It was a hard time for our family, our son and daughter had never seen their father so fragile and vulnerable! Yet, Scott's faith and positive attitude never wavered for a moment! He inspired everyone that entered his Hospital room!
DURING THAT TIME:I stood on many of the 729 different Bible verses about healing. However, several scriptures on “Faith” actually strengthened me the most!
For the Iowa Tornado Victims of May 25th, the scriptures that helped me the most-
1) Heb.11:1 “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” I could NOT let what I saw define my reality….I had to exercise faith that God would help Scott through this! Faith that God was still in control.
2) Eph.6:13,16 “Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day….Above all, taking the shield of faith,….”
MIRACLES HAPPEN: It was only three months after that tragic car accident that Scott and I walked across an auditorium stage, happy tears running down our faces! He not only lived but was fully healed and even danced a quick jig for the crowd (an entertainer at heart)! Some say Scott is a walking Medical Miracle!
Scott and I say, “God is the Great Physician and healing comes when there is NO ANXIETY of mind, but ABSOLUTE CONFIDENCE in HIS (Gods) ability and love!”

INSPIRING COMMENTS from YOU-Can you share a specific event in your life, where you had to put on the “Shield of Faith”? A time when you could NOT let a tragedy define your reality…. so you exercised Faith, that God would help! Faith that God was still in control.
PRAYER-Dear God,
May every phase of my life
be blessed.
Help me to always
remember to
wear the Shield of Faith.
May my thoughts of fear
not block Your miracles.
December 29, 2006
This is the night I will never forget. I was a passenger of a vehicle traveling thru Libery, MO. A drunk driver crossed over the interstate median and drove head-on straight into us at over 70mph. Approx time of accident was 10:30pm. All I remember is seeing headlights, saying "what the..", but I never got any further because it was at that split second I knew what was happening but could do nothing to stop it. I remember feeling this huge crushing sensation and then nothing. The next thing I remember is waking up screaming with an off duty highway patrol officer holding my neck still. I could not move and then I began to have problems breathing. I literally had the engine in my lap. Jaws of life was used to get me out just before the car exploded. Several surgeries and weeks in hospitals all over the MidWest. I had had my right hand/wrist/arm completely destroyed, my left knee ripped open, both pelvic/hip bones exposed thru my flesh, and lots of bruising everywhere. I was told I would never be able to use my right hand/wrist/arm again. But 3 months later and lots of reconstructive surgery later, I proved them wrong. I do not have full mobility but I do have use beyond what the surgeons ever thought possible.
That off duty officer who was the first on the scene later told me he thought everyone in our vehicle was dead. He said it was not until he heard my screams (which i do not remember screaming) that he realized that someone might actually be alive. I have refused to see pictures of the car or of the accident scene from that day. But I have been told there was nothing left of our car or of the drunk driver's car. The drunk driver never made it - he was DOA.
It has been a very long physical and emotional journey since that accident. I still struggle with my knee and my hand/wrist. It affects my job. The nightmares and flashbacks from that night are terrible and ever so real in my mind still. I still wake up screaming some nights as I can still feel that crushing impact sensation.
But I keep getting up each day, realizing that God must still have something for me in mind if He saved my life that night. All the doctors said I should have never survived. But I did. All the emergency crews on scene said I should never have survived. But I did. God is bigger than we can ever understand. He is the only reason why I am alive today.
Dearest USA Incognito-
Thank you for sharing your life changing experience. I’m so sorry! I don’t know exactly what to say. I can’t imagine what you are going through but I will be praying for you! I will pray that your nightmares and flashbacks from that night end! I will also pray that others hear your incredable testimony!
I agree with you, God saved you for a reason!
God Bless you sweet sister-
December 16, 2003 my son was sledding down a hill one last time before going home. The top of the snow was ice covered at the bottom of the hill. There was a young woman driving down the street unaware of the sledding hill. Neither Dustin or the woman could see each other. Dustin tried stopping before going into the street and hitting the front quarter panel of the car bouncing back and momentum taking him under the car. My husband Todd had just parked his car at the bottom of the hill and saw the car in his rear view mirror. There was nothing Todd could do everything was in motion and happened very fast. I was at home getting our house ready for a showing the next day. I received the call saying he had been hit by a car and was now lodged underneath. I grabbed my purse and coat and drove across town to the accident sight. I remember the whole way saying out loud, "God please let my baby be ok. I know you are in control, please let him be ok." I arrived at the accident sight to fire trucks and the ambulance crew. The fire department had to use air wedges to lift the car off of Dustin. The street was too icy to use jacks. I remember him screeming get it off of me it burns. There were a number of other events that took place during the time it took to get the car off of him. Up at the hospital they stablized him and took cut off his coat and snow pants. He had both humerus bones broken. The left one was broken it two places. His face had abrasions and was swollon he did not look like my son. We later found that the burning he had was the exhaust pipe burning his wind pants (under the snow pants) to his leg. The snow pants we not harmed other than the straps cut at the hospital. Dustin ended up with 3rd degree burns (down to the nerve) on his right leg. Dustin then was air lifted to Mankato hospital. They casted one arm and put a support on the other. His leg scrubbed and bandaged. He spent a week in the hospital and came home December 22nd. Then New Year's Eve he had a rod put in his left arm to help the bone grow back together. (to be removed 4 weeks later) That was not the best new he or we ever had. He then had skin graphs done on his leg. Dustin was out of school for 8 weeks being tutored at night. Of course being 14 and not being able to bathroom or shower by yourself is not the most fun either. So as soon as he could figure out a way to handle it himself he did. Today you would not know that he had an accident other than the surface scars left behind. God is so good all the time.
God Bless,
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