Did YOU take my Blog Restoration Challenge posted April 17th or May 20th? If you did or want to join now, post it in the comments section below for all of us to see.
Moment of Truth: I just don't understand why everything goes straight from the lips to the hips (tee-hee)! Ugh... if only our cravings were for veggies, and running was a hobby.

If only we could sit in front of the TV, eating M&M's or cheese-covered nachos while watching The Biggest Loser……and win the game (tee-hee)!
Have you heard the joke about the man who forgot his wife's birthday and she told him that to make up for it, there better be something in the driveway the next day that went from 0-200 in less than 5 seconds. The next morning she went outside and there on the driveway was a bathroom scale. The husband is still in the hospital. Oh, yeh!!!!!

Have you heard of the Dunlap Disease, when your belly done laps over your pants?
How about the Furniture Disease, where your chest has fallen into your drawers?
Maybe we need to be on some kind of accountability program - might keep us more faithful. Anyone out there who wants to be accountable with me as we offer each other encouragement - contact me. Our bodies are to be temples for His Spirit and I know mine needs some renovation.
Just as a personal accountability update-I’m on “The Road to Good Eating Habits" and "Regular Exercise", and I feel great! I really did step-it-up since my May 20th post, and have had consistent weight loss every week! Yipeeeeeeeee!
I’ve been doing a variety of exercises; walking our dogs (love it), running on the treadmill (feeling like a hamster), swimming laps (getting prunny fingers) and taking Pilates Class for the first time in my life! Pilates is an amazing form of exercise- but I'm afraid my "powerhouse" isn't very powerful. I’m looking forward to the day I can keep it (my stomach) engaged for the complete hour class! To no longer hear my coach say, “Pam, pull that powerhouse back in”!
So my personal Restoration Challenge is going great! I'm moving on to bigger and better things. No, wait, not bigger... smaller and better things (tee-hee)!

I’m standing on this verse: "No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." Hebrews 12:11
QUESTION - How is your “90 Day Restoration Goal” coming????*I will post a “Restoration Update” on July 20th. You can share any additional comments at that time, as well.
PRAYER:Dear God,
I wish to change my life,
so please, dear God,
change me.
Help me remember that my body
is a temple of the Holy Spirit.
Hi, I would like to take the 90 day challenge with you. Let me know what I need to do. ac
I am very excited. We were on vacation for 9 days and I maintained my weight. Often vacation can pack on the pounds. Now it is get back to the grind and exercise.
Keep up the great work.
I'm still with you Pam. I have lost 9 pounds. More than that, through regular exercise, I have a positive outlook and I feel physically terrific. However, with my new eating habits, more fruits and veggies and only whole grains, I am a little air bubble (if you get what I mean). It is worth feeling better. Keep to it everyone. Love you, Gretchen.
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