Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Energize your battery at our Spring Retreat!

Come join us!

Empowering Women of Faith

Spring Retreat
Get Away ~ Get Renewed ~ Get a fresh Word from God!
May 16 - 17, 2009
We want YOU to come join us!

Click here to register or just see the details!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Our Guest Room is all about our Granddaughters!!

Pam's Page 33 - "Family Life"
Everyone is welcome to stay in our "Guest Room" because our door is always open, however......

.... Savanna & Alisa were my ONLY inspiration when decorating!

A few things from IKEA!
A few things from the Disney Store!
A few fun toy baskets!

And it's ready for our Granddaughters to visit!
Of course YOU are welcome to stay too (tee-hee)!
Wow.....being a Nana is SUCH fun!!!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Motherhood is NEVER boring (tee-hee).....

"Pam's Frolic"

So, there SHE was . . . just relaxing in front of the T.V. .....when HER daughters yelled,
"Hey Mom, come see the

Kittens? Not EXACTLY!!!!
Yes, Motherhood is NEVER boring (tee-hee)!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Emergency Phone Call at 6:30am today!!!

Pam's Frolic
Emergency at 6:30am today?
My phone rang!
Everyone knows I'm a "Night Owl" and rarely go to bed before 12:30-1:00am!
Since nobody calls me at 6:30am, when my phone heart skipped a beat!
I looked at my caller I.D. and saw it was our daughter's number, it must be serious! Oh, no......
As I grabbed the phone, I heard a sweet little voice say, "Nana? This is Savannah....I just lost my 1st Tooth! I turned it one way and then the other way....and it fell out! ISN'T THIS EXCITING?" any good Nana would say at 6:30am, "Savannah, I'm so thrilled you called me to share THIS moment!"

(One of many special moments she and I have shared)
As I hung up the call....I thanked the Lord that our dear Granddaughter and I share this special relationship! The same special relationship my Mother gave to our children!

Our families love just continues, from generation to generation......


Friday, April 10, 2009

Get ready. Easter Sunday is Comin!!

Pam's Page 32 - "Friendship"

Last Easter, a friend sent me a video link called "Sunday's Comin."

This year, I want to share it with YOU!
The story of Jesus Christ’s crucifixion is one of betrayal, brutality, despair, and pain. Yet we know even before His death that redemption was promised to be coming soon. We know that the story does not end at the cross. We know what many did not realize – that Sunday’s comin’.
Celebrating Easter - means rejoicing in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus and recognizing what each of those events can teach us about the character of God. Be reminded of this truth during Easter: God has worked, is working, and will work through all things, even now as we find ourselves awaiting his return.
Watch this power video link and celebrate Sunday...Christ resurrection-Sunday is Comin!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Sexually Pure before Marriage? SURE!

Pam's Page 31 - "Friendship"Dear sweet blogging girlfriends-
I love to share stories about people-of-excellence and today's a tribute to a very special young couple! The world would never believe that it is possible to stay sexually pure until marriage, especially if you are in your mid-to-late 20's!

Newlyweds Dave & Jackie DeVries would say, "It is possible....if God is the center of your life and your relationships!"
David has been special to our family for many years, we love him like a son! We have watched him grow into such a Godly Leader.....sharing his passion for the Lord, in many arenas!
We were blessed to attend his wedding this past Saturday! Every part of that event, was dedicated to the Lord.
Even more the "Life-Long Commitment" he and Jackie have to the Lord! They took each letter from their last name (DeVries) and created a Mission Statement for their lives!
Mission Statement
~ Dave & Jackie DeVries ~
Dreamers ~ We always keep our eyes on what is most important in our lives. We know that God has placed no limits on what we can accomplish and for that reason we will always DREAM BIG!

Evangelize ~ We evangelize to others in all that we do…sometimes we have to use words.

Virgins ~ We remained sexually pure before marriage. During our marriage we will be faithful to each other through our actions, what we watch, listen to, and what comes from our mouths.

Rights ~ We always strive to do what is right. We don’t do things to be popular, but we do what is right according to God’s word.

Integrity ~ We are people of integrity. What we say and do in public is what we do in private.

Encouragers ~ We always speak positive words to each other and to those around us. We understand that words can lift others up or tear them down. We strive to always speak positive words of affirmation to everyone so that we may show Christ’s love through what we speak.

Spiritually Strong ~ We spend time daily with God seeking His wisdom. We spend time in prayer daily, taking our requests to Him and understanding that ALL of our strength comes from God.
Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook: DeVries Wedding
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Today’s Prayer-Dear God,
Please take care of Dave & Jackie
as their paths now join in marriage.
Bless their every step!
May angels surround them,
and may they find their way.
May your love for them
be as a light that surrounds them,
for all their living days.

It's what makes a house a HOME!

It's what makes a house a HOME!

We are in each others LIFE for a reason!

We are in each others LIFE for a reason!

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