Monday, May 25, 2009

The Jenga Game....FUN???

Frolic ONLY
We ended last night with two rounds of The Jenga Game. I'm happy to say I didn't knock the blocks over....but clearly the suspense was killing me!
Pictures don't lie.....

Faaaaabulas recipes below....

Pam's Page 34 - "Friendship"
Don't be shocked: I have never placed any recipes on my Blog, but I am today!
No worries: I'm still not a "gifted" Susie Homemaker in my kitchen! I just happened to hit two home runs and wanted to pass them on to YOU!


1 lb. peanut-butter sandwich cookies, finely crumbled
1 stick unsalted butter, melted


2 cups peanut-butter chips (Reece’s)
2/3 c. light corn syrup
4 Tbsp. unsalted butter
1 tsp. vanilla extract
2 cups miniature marshmallows
2 cups dry-roasted peanuts
2 cups rice crispy cereal (rice krispies)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees; coat a 13x9 inch baking dish or pan with
nonstick spray.

Pulverize cookies in a food processor until fine crumbs form. Add melted butter;
process until crumbs clump together. Press crumbs into prepared pan. Bake 15
minutes or until golden.

Melt peanut-butter chips, corn syrup, butter and vanilla in a saucepan over medium
heat, stirring until smooth, about 5 minutes. Spread 1/2 cup of the peanut mixture
over crumb base.(Keep it to 1/2 c., as you will need the rest of mixture, later.)

Top with marshmallows and return bars to the oven. Bake until marshmallows puff,
about 2 minutes, then remove from oven. Don't let marshmallows brown or they'll
turn crunchy.

½ banana, sliced
½ cup pineapple sherbet
½ cup fresh or frozen mango chunks
1 scoop Protein Powder
1 can Citrus Blast flavor XS Energy Drink
1 cup ice cubes
*Combine all ingredients in blender! Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Spring Retreat Dinner was like every Little Girls Dream!

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Empowered at Spring Retreat?

Joker Paula says,
"I was empowered at Spring Retreat,
just not THAT empowered (tee-hee)!

OK Paula - Come back in the FALL, and you'll have a another opportunity to be empowered!

Spring Retreat Message: There is a way to keep strong marriages and families!

Pam's Page 34 - "Family Life"

Our Retreat Key Note Speaker (Alana) shared her testimony about building a strong marriage and family!

She shared:
The last half of Ephesians 5 discusses husband-wife relationships within marriage. The first half of Ephesians 6 teaches children to obey, and then discusses the responsibilities of the father. Then verse ten says, Finally, be strong in the Lord..." These instructions help us clearly see that there is a way to keep marriages and families strong.
Marriage and the family are institutions founded by God. They are considered His highest priority for individuals next to personal salvation....and clearly Alana has made this her top priority, as well.

Spring Retreat Pajama Party, crazy fun....

Pam's Page 33 - "Friendship"
You missed the fun last Saturday, but no worries!
We'll probably be this crazy (tee-hee) at the FALL RETREAT....too!

Oh yeah, we girls know how to have FUN (tee-hee)!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Spring Retreat Message - Daily we can take the shield of protection, Psalm 91.

Pam's Page 34 - "Family Life"

Our Spring Retreat was filled with laughter and fun! It was also a time of inspiration and reflection on all the victories, the blessings God has brought into our lives!
Our Key Note Speaker (Alana) shared many personal testimonies about her walk with the Lord.

One habit she encouraged us to do:
Start each day reading Psalm 91, as a reminder of God's Shield of Protection over ourselves and our family!

Then - leave that page of your Bible open in your home, claiming that protection!

He is our refuge and our fortress, every day!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Did you ever have little girl - Tea Parties?

Little Girl Tea Parties?

Would you like to have one with your BIG girlfriends, NOW?

Go to a place that offers tons of fancy teas/coffee, flavored lemonades, ect.? All served in fine china or crystal?

With a meal not just presented unforgettable beautiful, but it all tastes unforgettable too?

Then come join us at the Women's Spring Retreat,
and all this is included in your Retreat Reservation Fee!

Click here to register or just see the details!!!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Do YOU radiate confidence?

Do YOU radiate confidence?

Gretchen Cress (pictured above) says, "Women raise the world and if they have confidence in themselves what a world it could be!"

Come join us at the Women's Spring Retreat,
and get to know Gretchen more!

Click here to register or just see the details!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

What makes YOU feel beautiful?

What makes YOU feel beautiful?

Jeanne says......

"I feel beautiful when sharing an adoring glance, a big smile or a warm hug!"
Come join us at the Women's Spring Retreat, and get to know Jeanne more!Click here to register or just see the details!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Do you like to chase pelicans across a lake?

Do you like to chase pelicans across a lake?

Well, Sandy does.......

Do you want to know more about the FUN in Sandy's life?

Come join us at the Women's Spring Retreat!
Click here to register or just see the details!

It's what makes a house a HOME!

It's what makes a house a HOME!

We are in each others LIFE for a reason!

We are in each others LIFE for a reason!

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