Tuesday, April 29, 2008

God does not close one door, without opening up another!

Pam’s Page 9 – “Friendship”
Wow! I love to study ordinary women who have done extraordinary things!
Women we may be inclined to hear about and say, “Boy, was SHE lucky!” However, when you look closer into their lives we find situations and obstacles that seem insurmountable. We also find decisions made at life’s crossroads that not only carried them through but propelled them to victory!
Here is one such woman – Mary Ann Mobley Collins.She is former Miss America 1959, Actress (Elvis Movies) and Golden Globe Winner; Mother,Wife and tireless humanitarian. At 69 years old she has had the same home, the same telephone number, and same marriage (Gary Collins) for 38 years.

Mary Ann writes - There was a time in my career when I thought that life could not get any better. Things were going very well indeed.

Suddenly I was stricken with Crohn’s Disease. This is a very painful, incurable disease that attacks the intestines. I became extremely ill. So much so that I began to doubt if I would ever again lead a normal life. So many doubt’s crept through my thoughts!

The turning point of my life came when I found a doctor who became a partner and friend in my belief that I could overcome this disease, or at least live with it with dignity. I have now been in remission for 32 years. I believe it is because God and I joined in the battle with the help of this wonderful doctor against this horrible disease.

I am now a spokesperson for the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America. I frequently visit third world countries to film documentaries and encourage assistance for millions of helpless victims. I cherish the experiences I have had and the people I have met. I truly believe that God does not close one door, without opening up another.
I always try to remember the words of Emerson when he wrote….”to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.”

Mary Ann Mobley Collins

Today’s Nugget-
*Book – “Storms of Perfection –Volume #3” by Andy Andrews

This book can be found on my Blog Library Shelf. Mary Ann’s story (above) and many others are featured in this book. It is packed full of stories from 52 men and women. The heart of the message is – YOU have the ability to make the right decisions…..and triumph over any circumstance! YOU can achieve extraordinary things!

Dear God,
I place the world in Your hands.
Please use me
to make things right.
I want to leave this world
a better place!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Great FUN in St.Louis this past week-end!

Scott & I had such fun this past week-end (tee-hee)! We were blessed to stayed at the gorgeous Hyatt Hotel, right next to the St.Louis Arch......breath-taking view! We had ton's of FUN with our friends and celebrated their achievements! Life is an adventure!
Click to play St.Loius, MO
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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Joyce humor, “You know you’re having a rotten day when…..”

Pam’s Page 8 - “Friendship”
Here is a girlfriend that finds great humor in “Everyday Life" - Joyce Meyers, one of my favorite Preachers & Authors.

At +63 yrs old she is still climbing mountains for the Lord. She is a wife, mother of four and has been in ministry since 1976. She is the bestselling author of more than seventy inspirational books. She has also released thousands of audio teachings as well as a complete video library. Joyce’s “Enjoy Everyday Life” radio and television programs are broadcast around the world. She also travels extensively conducting conferences, like the one I attended here in Minneapolis several months back! With her classic clarity and practicality, we learn how to overcome real life obstacles to live a bold, victorious life.

CLASSIC JOYCE MEYERS TEACHING WITH HUMOR-Don’t worry that you might have a rotten day, because if you do have one - you will certainly know it and you can deal with it then.

You know you’re having a rotten day when….
-Your birthday cake collapses from the weight of the candles!
-Your twin sister forgot your birthday!
-You call Suicide Prevention and they put you on hold!
-Your car horn goes off accidently and remains stuck as you follow a group of Hells Angels on the freeway!
-Your boss tells you not to bother to take off your coat!
-The bird singing outside your window is a buzzard!
-You wake up and your braces are locked together!
-You put both contact lenses in the same eye!
-Your husband says, “Good morning, Judy,” and your name is Sally!

Her latest book “The Confident Women” is on my Blog Library Shelf. The message in this book is a result of her personal journey from insecurity and self hatred to a confidence through which she is realizing her full potential.

Joyce didn’t always have it easy - From many years of sexual abuse in her childhood - into a bad marriage at 18 yrs old. Her first husband was a heavy drinker, had trouble keeping a job, had affairs with other women, and was a petty thief. That two year marriage ended badly! After giving birth to their son, she filed for divorce and moved back in with her parents.
Her victories began - when her son was nine months old; she met and married Dave Meyer after a whirlwind courtship of five dates!

"The Confident Women" is an awesome book - You’ll be inspired by her challenges, like diagnosed with breast cancer in 1989. You’ll be lifted by her FAITH and her TENACITY! You’ll be empowered as she explores the Seven Characteristics of a Woman with Confidence! You’ll understand why at +63 yrs old, she still wants to climb huge mountains and live each day in victory!
WHAT ABOUT YOU? WE NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU…..Is there one particular Women Speaker, Preacher, Author and book that has inspired YOU? Please Post a comment below so all of us can be encouraged to expand our studies!Remember, Blogging is about building “community” through a dialog of comments……NOT just reading MY thoughts! I WANT TO LEARN FROM YOU ASWELL!
Dear God,
To whatever extent
I fail to respect
the power and glory
of the female sex,
may my mind be corrected
and my heart be transformed.
Help me to be bold, courageous
and confident in you Lord!
Help me not to see my age
( too young or too old)
as an obstacle, rather an asset.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Dog Whisperers Worst Nightmare?

Pam’s Page 8 – “Family Life”

Those that know me best can hardly believe I waited until page 8 of “Family Life” before I talked about our dogs! I actually waited on purpose, to avoid letting the Whole Blog World know – just how crazy we are!

Buddy & Princess are brother and sister. Their dad was a Black Lab and mom was an Australian Sheppard, they each weight around 90 lbs.

We nick named them “The Babies” because they entered our life about the time we became Empty Nester's. Other than our two legged family, Buddy & Princess are the light of our life! Only REAL dog lovers have a clue what I’m talking about!

All Non-Dog Lovers need to STOP reading now; the rest of this Post will be like fingernails running down a chalkboard (tee-hee)! Or maybe as enjoyable as going to the Dentist! Please don't put yourself through this (tee-hee)!

OK, you Dog Lovers ONLY-Much of our World revolves around “The Babies”. Even looking at homes it’s always been, “Will the Babies like this yard?”

Buddy has altered our life the most. He has had two major surgery’s over the last 12 months, first his right knee and then month’s later - his left knee.

Prior to Buddy's leg issues, the four of us slept TOGETHER in our King Size Bed. After the surgery we were faced with a decision because our bed was too high of a jump for him.
So.......YOU GUESSED IT! We dropped the bed! Only the top mattress sets on the floor, the rest of our bed is in storage!

Now- Why are WE the Dog Whisperers worse nightmare?As you can see in this picture, even though we have a King Size Bed it’s very crowded. The Babies near 200 lbs combined, take up more than their share of the bed. So Scott & I developed a system to secure our positions on the bed. The system can be seen beside the lamp on the right (also pictured below)!

THE RILEY SYSTEM - Our Bedside Doggie Treat Jar:
A) Each night - If the Babies get on the bed 1st, we throw doggie treats across our bedroom suite and dive into the bed to claim our spot BEFORE they return!

B) If a bathroom visit is necessary during the night, almost 100% of the time….they have stretched over your space and left you only two options. Option #1 is to repeat Step “A” or Option #2 is to sleep on the FLOOR.

*Our son has started a Fundraiser to hire The Dog Whisperer to come fix us! He say's our dogs won't even need to attend the class, just Scott & I need the help (tee-hee)!


Dear God,
I give You
praise and thanks
for blessing us with pets!
Thank you for the humor
they bring into our lives!


Monday, April 21, 2008

Being a Child of a Home-Based Entrepreneur!

Pam’s Page 8 – “Finances”
What is the REAL impact of your home-based business on your kids?

OK Girlfriends, I feel MORE than qualified to talk on this subject! As a child I was raised by two parents that worked an Insurance Company from our home. Then after one year of marriage, Scott & I also chose the freedom of a Home-Base Business Model. So we then raised our two children with that same concept, Mom & Dad working from HOME!

With more time at home, the assumption is that kids naturally benefit, right? Maybe. It depends on the parent. If you create balance, working from home can have a positive impact on your kids- emotionally, mentally and financially. Without that balance, it’s also possible for a work-from-home arrangement to become a frustrating experience for both you and your family.
As a child I know I had moments when I wondered if I was as important to Dad as his work! Sometimes it felt like a home where his work took over our personal life! His clients would call day or night and potentially interrupt any family time. That was back before answering machines, so every phone call had to be answered. Sometimes clients would just show up at our front door, without even calling for an appointment! Mom was always the perfect hostess, but my brothers and I would sometimes feel like it was a "Martian Invasion" (tee-hee)!

*The good news is that YOU hold the KEY to your work-from-home success! The KEY is to set clear “BOUNDARIES” between work time and family time. This KEY allows the entire family to see you follow through with promises to spend time with them, once your business task is completed.

POSITIVE BOUNDARY TIPS:1) Make a work schedule as if you were going to a regular job. Have “hours,” just as you would if you had a regular job.
2) Leave work at work and say to yourself, “I’m home now.” Don’t sneak another peak at your e-mail and don’t rush to answer a phone, that’s what answer machines are for! If it’s really important, you can always get back to that person later!
3) Talk to your kids about why you chose to do it and what the benefits are. This may inspire and guide them as they make choices in the future about their own careers.

My parents were happier having something that was theirs, being their own boss! Even as a kid, I would rush into Dad’s office after school. I loved sitting beside him when I was doing my homework. Afterwards he would let me play on his type writer, create letters on his office stationary and make my very own business cards from colored construction paper. I was really proud of “Harrington Insurance.” Because of my parents home-based business, I always knew I’d rather work for myself than work for someone else.

They taught me to take a leap of faith to pursue my dreams! Be willing to have a little bit of risk-taking mentality and you can have what you want. They taught me that “anything is possible” and life can be different.
It doesn’t have to be a 9-to-5 job if that’s not what you want.

So I say to all you girlfriends, “Celebrate the flexibility and freedom that you have as a home-based entrepreneur! Just stay Focused, Believe, Set Boundaries on your time and remember – YOUR CHILDREN ARE WATCHING!”

>>>TAKING ACTION>>>“Be doers of the Word, and not hearers only.” (James 1:22)
Choose at least one action you can take to better set Boundaries on your time, so both you and your Family know what's expected!

Write it down, commit to it, and start today!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

He made me CRY last night!

Pam's Page 7 - "Family Life"

Hello Fellow Married Girlfriends-

I know you will RELATE to this one! Scott made me CRY last night!

Marriage is like all of life:
It has it's wonderful mountain top moments, it has it's not so wonderful valley moments and lots of moments in between!

After 32 years of marriage, I have learned to just enjoy the journey and always keep my faith!

Joel Osteen talks about two kinds of faith - a Delivering Faith and a Sustaining Faith. Delivering Faith is when God instantly turns your marriage around. When that happens, it's great. But Joel teaches that it takes a greater faith and a deeper walk with God to have that Sustaining Faith. That's when circumstances in our marriage don't change immediately, but you say, "God, I don't care what comes against me, I don't care how long it takes, this thing is not going to defeat me. It's not going to get me down. I know You're on my side and you bless our marriage!" Sustaining Faith is what gets you through those dark nights of the soul when you don't know where to go or what to do, and it seems that you can't last another day....but because of your faith in God, you do.

*When you have that kind of attitude, any adversity in your marriage doesn't have a chance! Besides, it's not usually adversities that cause our problems; it's how we respond to our adversities.

*We've all seen women dealing with huge problems - tragic deaths in the family, incurable diseases, divorce, bankruptcy, and all sorts of other calamities - yet they are happy and at peace. They are living in an attitude of faith. They are believing for things to change. They are determined to live in victory!

My Victory Last Night - Scott made me CRY!
Scott rushed in the door two hours before our "Grill-Out" was to begin. I still had to vacuum the house, do some last minute food preparation and get myself cleaned up! He insisted that I drop everything and come into our Fireplace Room. I sooooooooo wanted to say, "Do you see the time....I am on a tight deadline, things to DO!" Thank God, I listened to my heart and turned off the vacuum. He said, "I just heard this song on my car radio and stopped at Target to buy this CD. This song is MY song for YOU!" So he started the song and whispered into my ear, "Listen to EVERY word!" As he began to slowly spin me around the room, the words began. It was the song - "What a Difference You Made in My Life!"

As tears ran down my cheeks, I thanked God for such a moment! I accepted the words as a gift from Scott, even though I have had days I didn't deserve this praise. Day's I really blew it!

Thank God for love in a marriage!
Thank God for forgiveness in a marriage!
Thank God for the trust that can only be celebrated after the journey through mountains and valleys!
Click to play Marriage

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A Wife's Prayer-Dear God,
Please melt
the walls in front of my heart.
Remove my anger
and restore my joy,
that I might fully love my Husband again.


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Will YOU take my 90 Day Restoration Challenge?

Pam’s Page 7 – “Friendship”

OK Girlfriends, here comes the almost NAKED truth!

Hollywood created this Cellulite Beach Beauty for the movie “Big Momma”! I must say- I relate to this picture, because it has been my self-portrait too many times to count! Though I was never this large, I felt like I was!

I hid in our hotel room at too many beautiful resorts to count. I missed opportunities to swim in the ocean with Scott and our kids, because I didn’t want to take off my cover-up! Too concern of what others might think of me! Those are moments in my life that I can't get back. I missed those opportunities, all because my self-concept was low!

Who do you think you are?We probably should all ask the question, “When I look in the mirror do I love what I see? Am I - my own best cheerleader or my own worst critic?” I sure have not always liked what I saw in the mirror! Our self-portrait may or may not be an accurate reflection of who we really are, but it is how we perceive ourselves to be.

Unquestionably, a healthy self-image is one of the key factors in the success and happiness of any women! The reason our self-concept is so important: You will probably speak, act, and react as the person you think you are. You will most consistently perform in a manner that is in harmony with the image you have of yourself. Your mind will complete the picture you tell it to paint of yourself.

Can you honestly say,Thank You, Father, for creating me the way You did. I know that You have a purpose and a plan for me, and I’d rather be me than any other person on earth. You have promised that You have good things in store for me, and I can’t wait to discover them!”
If you had trouble believing those words: You might want to take my April 2008 Restoration Challenge! A challenge NOT just about weight loss (my issue)! A challenge about ANY issue you are having with your Self-Portrait!
MY 90 DAY RESTORATION CHALLENGE TO YOU: We can all start over today saying, “I am responsible for my own life. No one can take charge of it but me. If I am unhappy or unhealthy, I know I have the power to change that. I have all the help and knowledge I need, and with God’s hand today I start becoming the person of Excellence I have always known I could be!”I will focus at overcoming…………

MY PERSONAL 90 DAY RESTORATION FOCUS: I have struggled with weight issues a bunch in the past 15 years, as a matter of fact – I am right now at my heaviest weight! I did however break bad habits 7 years ago (pictures below). If I did it before, I can do it again! I will do the little things each day to care for my body and soul, and let God be my constant companion on this journey. Here is the proof. Combine nutritional help with positive lifestyle changes like regular exercise. To feel better physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

IMPORTANT- I do not wear or promote two piece swim suits. I bought these suites at a Consignment Store, so my Husband and I could record my actual results! I did not go out in public (yikes) wearing either of these suits! I never planned on even showing them to you, my girlfriends! However, as I was writing this Post……God seemed to be prodding me.
Before Picture Taken: Aug.13,2000
After Picture Taken: Nov.8,2000

I was 45 yrs old when I took this 90 Day Challenge. For me it needed to be about my health! So I loss 21 lbs of body fat and dropped 3 dress sizes.

My first obstacle was believing that I had the power to change my bad habits! I used my "before picture" as my reality check point!

Today's Nugget:
*Book- “Look Great & Feel Great” by Joyce Meyer
Do you have any idea how valuable you are? If you suffer from self-doubt or self-hatred, if you abuse your body with bad food or bad habits, even if you simply put yourself at the very bottom of the list of people you do things for, under the kids and spouse and parents and business and friends, then you do not understand your own value. If you did, you wouldn’t treat yourself that way!
God has a great future planned for you and you need to be ready for it! You need to be looking great and feeling great, ready to do whatever God asks you to do.
1 Corinthians 6:19 – Do you not know that your body is a temple (the very sanctuary) of the Holy Spirit Who lives within you, Whom you have received (as a gift) from God? You are not your own.

Will YOU take this Challenge with ME? If you are taking this 90 Day Restoration Challenge, post it in the comments section below for all of us to see. Please remember it is NOT just about weight loss, it’s about overcoming any type of critical self-concept you might see in the mirror. This is not “True Confession” where you need to share the exact details of your Restoration Focus. That is between you and God! No before and after pictures (tee-hee)! I will post a “Restoration Update” on May 20th, June 20th and the Final one July 20th. You can share any additional comments at that time, as well.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

You’d WANT to be Sally’s Customer!

Pam’s Page 7 – “Finances”

I love to spent time with people that stretch my thinking, so I continually look for mentors to study under. People that empower me to reach for excellence in a particular arena of my life. Sally Ludwig is one of those people!
Sally has never met a stranger and she is always the first to offer assistance to someone in need. People are drawn to her like a magnet because of her genuine compassion for others. She never sells a Product without first building a Relationship!

Customers are key to a successful Home-Based Business, but Sally sees them as her Mission Field too! People God has placed in her path, to nurture and love. They are much more than a dollar sign to her, and they know it!

Sally’s tips on how SHE creates Relationship, then shares Product……..
*Tell yourself you will never meet a stranger!
*Always greet people either in public or on the phone with a smile on your face and a warm heart.
*Meet people with a mind set of meeting their needs with the service you have to offer them.
*People should feel better when you leave their side then when you first greeted them.
*Share an honest compliment. (i.e. they have eyes that smile, their greeting made you feel welcomed and how important that was to you) Every person will impact you in a special way.
*Make sure that you have full eye contact. When you are with that person they are the most important person to you at that time.
*Make sure that your voice tone is one that is relaxed and nurturing.
*While you are talking to your client, listen closely to what they are and are not saying.
*They will share what their needs are and how much they have in their budget to spend. With high tuned listening you can analyze what needs are of the greatest importance to your client: Review their needs and share what products will solve those needs.
*Be sure to share your passion for the products and the corporation you represent.
*You are not selling. You are educating the client so that they can make a decision of what products will solve their needs. You are offering a service to a friend and building a lasting relationship.
*During the time you are writing up the final sale, again stress the most important thing to the corporation you represent is that the products work the way they are represented in the presentation. Be sure that we use words that build a person’s inner beauty.
*Review the steps in using the product and the importance of following those steps.
*Speak with honesty and integrity and never compromise those values.
*Write the person a thank you note for making the purchase and again share how much you enjoyed your conversation with them.
*Make sure your client feels free to call if they have any question. That open door is what builds a strong relationship that will last for ever!

*Remember we are here on this earth to SERVE others!

>>>TAKING ACTION>>>“Be doers of the Word, and not hearers only.” (James 1:22)Choose at least one action you can take to reach out to a stranger and/or build a better relationship with your Customers.

Write it down, commit to it, and start today!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Is it a “Conversation” if we only laugh?

Need a laugh today?
I’ve set a goal to start a conversation with at least one new person everyday. Realizing that goal requires me to leave the house, I headed to our Health Club at 7:00pm tonight.

I thought I could hit two birds with one stone (that is a terrible analogy coming from someone who has had a cockatiel pet for over 20 years)! So I headed to the lap pool for my hour swim hoping to meet and make a new girlfriend between laps.

Sad to say – for the first 40 minutes, the swimmers on each side of me were those professional types. Perfect swim strokes, very serious and really working up a sweat.

I always swim for at least one hour and love every minute of it. If I would describe my style, “I look much like Carp Fish during Mating Season! I splash around a lot and don’t look to intelligent!”

I was pleasantly surprised when a non-swimmer arrived during my final 20 minutes. She was a beautiful middle aged women and I was sure she could be my goal for the day. I just needed to have a conversation with a stranger, shower and go home a success for the day. Simple right?

So I waited for the perfect moment and I said, “I love your swim suit!”
She looked totally confused and said, “I – No- English!”

Not wanting to miss my "conversation" goal…..I continued, “French? Italian? German?”
Again she looked totally confused at me but replied, “I-Russian!”

So I could really say I had a conversation, I decided to overlook the fact that she spoke not one word of English. I just starting to say crazy things like, “Welcome to America, enjoy swimming, great to meet you………..”
She started laughing and saying things back to me in her language. I can only hope they were good things like, “I like your swim suit too.” or “I noticed you are such a great swimmer (tee-hee).”
Either way, we shared 3-4 minutes of total laughter and I know she won’t forget me! I say that, because we met in the Steam Room later and she started giggling again.

Your vote!
Can I count her as a real contact for my goal today? Would you consider that a real conversation? Or does this sound like a desperate act to cover-up a goal I missed (tee-hee)?

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Friends Don't Let Friends Paint Alone!

Pam’s Page 6- “Friendship”Tuesday was an exciting day!

Elizabeth Keene and her husband Ken, just took possession of their new home.

They had been renting for many years and always dreamed of how great it would be to have a place of their own someday, out in the country. Through no plan of their own, God moved and blessed them with this dream-come-true! They closed on the house Monday of this week.

Sandy Teig and I were excited to arrive Tuesday morning, and share in the fun! Elizabeth pulled nails and took off hardware so Sandy and I could begin. Soon paint and paintbrushes were flyin! What awesome girlfriend fun! FYI- I did not get paint on Sandy’s jeans, and I’m sticking to that claim!

I discovered something I never knew about Sandy. If you don’t give her chocolate when she paints at your home, she gets really whinny! Elizabeth had to beg her contractors to pick up chocolate on their way back from the lumber yard, they initially thought she was kidding…..but Sandy doesn’t kid about chocolate!
We also had fun calling Barb Alviar to sing Happy Birthday. Sandy offered to be her Personal Assistant (carry bags, do her hair and nails) on Barb’s next trip out of the country. It seems Barb thinks she can handle those things JUST FINE, without Sandy’s help!

Ken said the blessing over the first meal in The Keene Farmstead. He had stopped by with pizza’s on his lunch break and it was a fun celebration!

Ken and Elizabeth should be moved in by the end of this month, once all the work is complete.

They are so excited to share their new home with everyone!
Elizabeth is already planning a “Customer Appreciation Open House" the first week-end in May! Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Elizabeth’s Prayer:
Dear God,
I give You
praise and thanks
for the many blessings in our life,
and specifically our new home!
May all who enter here be blessed!
We give you the credit and the glory, Lord.
Thank you Father for answered prayer.

Is this Heaven? No, it's Minnesota!

Need a laugh today?
We had a friend who was raised in the backwoods of Tennesee, where he said he really never saw snow. When he was flying into speak for us he looked out his plane window and became so excited! He saw what looked to be “grits” as far as the eye could see. As a southern country boy “grits” were his main food group! So like in the movie "Field of Dreams" he asked us, "Is this Heaven?"

We answered, "Are you kidding me, this is Minnesota! The land of endless snow fall, where you can only dream of Spring!"
Thursday April 10th all snow is melted. However, we had rain and 40 mph winds! My wreath almost blew off the front door and our house flag flew parallel to the ground!

Outside our home this morning, Saturday April 12th.

Again, more "grits" on the ground! Urghhhh.....will Spring EVVER really come?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Best Gift for Your Husband!

Pam’s Page 6- “Family Life”Hello my blogging sisters-

Okay, you might need to grab some tissues for this one. These are great words from a women explaining how to love a husband. This women is not perfect, but she had a perfect marriage!
This women is my Mother, one of my greatest mentors-She and Dad were married for 57 years. Their love was an open book for all to see and hear! My whole life growing up, was spent watching them gaze into each others eyes....with that longing look that says - I love you! Always saying sweet kind words to each other! Always holding hands and kissing, no matter who else was in the room.

Their marriage was an awesome testimony for all to see, even up to the moment Dad took his last breath! He went to Heaven in August 2005.

Prior to that Dad had 12 years of sickness, many issues like open heart surgery following strokes, ect. The toughest challenge was that he had developed Dementia (a form of Alzheimer’s). This made his personality change drastically and he was no longer the man we knew! He became much more like a little child only in a man’s body! Needing help with everything; walking, eating, bathing, dressing and thinking (great memory loss).

Mom managed to care for him at home for the first 6 years, despite all advice to put him in the Nursing Home. In his confused state, one morning (2:00am) he decided to undress himself and walked out the front door wearing nothing more than underwear. It was snow season and the temperature was well below zero. If we had not heard the front door slam…..Dad would have frozen to death that morning. So after 6 years she was forced to place him in the Nursing Home, for his own safety. There is where he lived out his last 6 years, with Mom visiting at least 3 times every day!

So what does a women who has faced such hardship and loss have to say to other wives?

I titled this post the "The Best Gift for Your Husband" because when wives love their husbands this way, no purchased gift could ever top any one of these suggestions.

One picture is the day my Mom married the man of her dreams. The other picture was taken one week before he passed on. A love that grew deeper with time!My Mom shares words of wisdom with all us other wives...........
Hold your husband while you can! Hold him tightly. Hold his hand. Listen to his heart. Look into his eyes. Look at him across the room with that longing, I love you look. Kiss him more often.

Be completed by his wonderful differences. Capture the magic and share the thrill of it all. Let the little things go by--I promise they just don’t matter.

Put some perfume on and smell good for him. Fix him his favorite meals more often. Give a hand written, card with sweet words in it. Find out his favorite movie and share it with him. Turn the food channel off and turn the fishing channel on. Let him hold the remote.

Surprise him with something good, maybe a new silky nightee!

Share the moment...it might not last long.

Pray over his health, his hopes, his dreams and his desires!

Let God do something new in your lives together.

No husband is perfect and there is a long list of things men need to know about women, but I can tell you that you don't want to focus on his weaknesses. Life is too short!
Please help me to love my husband more!
Help me view him through new eyes.
Teach me patience and understanding.
Melt the walls in front of my heart.
Remove my fears of the past
and restore my joy,
that I might love again.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Happiness is a Choice!

Pam’s Page 6- “Finances”One of the best lessons I learned from one of my mentors was, “Happiness is a decision we make, not an emotion we feel.” That lesson has affected every area of my life and most certainly been a key to my business success. People like to do business with happy, upbeat people. They want to be around people that lift them up and draw out the best in them.

When we get up in the morning, we choose to be happy and enjoy that day, or we choose to be unhappy and go around with a sour attitude. I call the sour attitude a “Pity Party” moment. And yes, sad to say – I still have my “Pam’s Pity Party” times. However, the crazy thing about a “Pity Party” is if you send out invitations - no one wants to attend. So life has taught me to keep my “Pam’s Pity Party” as short as possible, hopefully only minutes - not hours and certainly not days!
There is only one Pity Party Invitation I send out, that’s to my Heavenly Father. He is the perfect party guest. His Word and time with Praise & Worship Music, always reminds me that God wants me to enjoy my life. Then the "Pity Party" is over, back to living in victory! *If my issue/concern is big enough, I might have a couple of these party's during the same day! Again, my goal is always to keep these Party's as short as possible, hopefully only minutes - not hours and certainly not days!
You don’t have to wait for everything to be perfectly straightened out in your family or with your business, until you lose weight(yikes), break an unhealthy habit or accomplish all your goals. No, God wants you to be happy right where you are, right now.

Maybe you have allowed yourself to slip into the habit of waiting for everything to be calm, serene and settled before you lighten up and grant yourself permission to enjoy life.
None of us want to pull others down with our negative attitude. We don't want to be accused of lighten up the room when we LEAVE! Where is the victory in that?

Why not be happy now? Don’t go many years down the road and then realize, when it’s tragically too late. Appreciate your family and friends now! Enjoy the journey with your business now! “Happiness is a decision we make, not an emotion we feel.”
Today’s Nugget:
*Book- “Your Best Life Now” by Joel OsteenThis book teaches on 7 Steps to Living at Your Full Potential, the seventh step to enjoying your best life now is to choose to be happy today!
“Be doers of the Word, and not hearers only.” (James 1:22)
Choose at least one action you can take to avoid and shorten your “Pity Party’s”!(Please don’t pretend YOU never have one, tee-hee)

Write it down, commit to it, and start today!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Family Prayer & Praise Update - "Lemley’s Special Toddler"

Pam's Page 5 - "Family Life"
One of my goals to blogging is to feature special families and add them to our “Family Prayer & Praise Update” list. I intend for you to hear from these families, periodically. Today I want to feature “Lemley’s Special Toddler”.
James was born on June 27, 2006 into a family with an older brother, Jonathan, and sister, Jenna. His parents are our dear friends, Jason & Cindy Lemley.

Cindy shares her journey with their son...........
"James seemed to be a very quiet, reserved infant.

Between James' 2mo and 4mo check ups, there were several visits to the doctors office for different things. The final visit was due to James not wanting to eat because of being congested. At that visit, the doctor began to tell me several issues that lead her to request a blood test be done for Down Syndrome. It took a lifetime to get the results!!!! Okay it seemed like a lifetime.

FIVE MONTHS OLD-It was a month later - just before Thanksgiving. The result came back Mosaic Down Syndrome!

DAILY CONCERN-Immune systems are not as strong in kids with down syndrome, so flu shots are a must for the whole family. James has to be watched closely if another family member is sick. Even with flu shots, he ended up with pneumonia.

NINE MONTHS OLD-At 9 mo, James had an echo and ekg done. This test concluded that he has a 8mm hole between the upper chambers of his heart, causing extra fluid to his lungs. The size was a bit alarming and thought that open heart surgery would have to be done right away. After conferring with a couple of surgeons, James' cardiologist decided to wait and retest after 3 mo. At the 3mo check, the size was the same but the pressures were lower. James was growing and gaining weight just fine so a recheck was scheduled for 6mo later. At that checkup, great news!! Praise God, the hole was smaller!!! James is still growing and gaining weight just fine. A recheck will be done every 6mo. If the hole keeps getting smaller, no surgery will have to be done. At age 4 or so, if the hole remains the same size, surgery may need to be done but he will be big enough to have a catheter versus open heart surgery.
ELEVEN MONTHS OLD-Ear infections are another issue that kids with down syndrome tend to have.
James had chronic ear infections for at least 6 months straight. Finally at 11mo of age, tubes were put in. His ear canals were so tiny at the time, the doctor thought the tubes would only be in place for 1- 1 1/2 years.
Tubes are an awesome technology!!!! Down syndrome kids can experience tubes in their ears even into adulthood. So when this set falls out or stops working, another set may need to be put in. James sees an ENT about every 6mo and more if necessary.

BUILDING MUSCLES-Muscle tone, especially in the core part of the body, is a common issue.
James has this issue as well. His physical therapist has worked with him since he was 5mo old. Even with lots of work, James never crawled "normal" - hands and knees. Just this week, a visit was made to a therapy center for children in Cedar Rapids. The therapist we saw there felt he was doing very well with his motor skills and that it probably wouldn't take long for him to be walking with his legs closer together. She thought he would get there on his own but a little help with treadmill training would speed things up. James was placed into a harness to support all of his weight. The therapist started the treadmill and helped James walk by moving his legs in a normal walking pattern. He was on there for about 10 mins. We will be going once a week for this training. In between this training, James will need to wear a pair of lycra shorts that are sewn up the middle a couple hours a day. This will help him bring his legs closer together. The therapist also suggested we might use tape to help build up his muscles in his trunk which will in turn help his balance to be able to bring his legs closer together.

Speech therapy just started 3 months ago. James can say Mom and Dad. We have been trying to teach him sign language to help him communicate. He is up to 6-7 signs now. His cognitive speech is pretty good where his usage is quite a bit lower.

HIS SCHEDULE-This is where James is at today. He currently has therapy from Grantwood AEA 2-3 times a month - physical, teacher, and speech. Treadmill training once a week. Then periodic visits to various doctors.
James is a very happy and fun loving toddler. He is curious about everything!!! Some of his favorite things to do is play with anything with wheels, balls, stacking cups, putting things into any nook and cranny, music, and of course getting into what brother and sister have.

Now we belong to an awesome organization that helps educate families with a child with down syndrome - resources available, support group, monthly meetings, etc. To make a donation to this organization click here and visit their site – Hawkeye Area Down Syndrome Association

Cindy’s Prayer-
"I trust you Lord. I trust your plan. I trust your goodness. I trust what you can see and I can't. I trust you with little James, his hopes, his dreams, and his disappointments. I trust you with it all Lord."

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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Living Without Regrets, Takes Courage!

Pam's Page 5 - "Finances"
It takes courage to build your home-based business. However, you can do nothing worthwhile without courage! People think of courage as a quality required only in times of extreme danger or stress, such as during war or disaster. But it’s much larger than that – and more ordinary than we think. Courage is an everyday virtue.

Writer C.S. Lewis wrote, “Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at it’s testing point.” You can do nothing worthwhile without courage. The person who exhibits courage is often able to live without regrets.

God gave us the freedom of choice. The daily choices we make – set us apart from others!

Hear from a few courageous women I know, living without regrets.

Girlfriends sharing, “Why I love what I do, my home-based business….”
1) I started to gain back my independence after making the transition from working full time to being a full-time mom. This business allows me to wrap my business around my life instead of wrapping my life around my business.

2) I wanted to be home with my two children but needed to continue supplementing our household income. This has given me that opportunity by allowing me the flexibility to create my own schedule.

3) My husband and I enjoy working together and this business has given us that opportunity. We are building this part-time without giving up the security of our full-time jobs. We are excited for the future!

4) This gives me the flexibility to do what I want when I want and there’s no limit on what I can do or how high I can go. The sky’s the limit!

5) I love the opportunity this gives me to work with a lot of different people.

6) I love talking to people and helping them look and feel better. And, I love being my own boss and sharing this opportunity with others.

>>>TAKING ACTION>>>“Be doers of the Word, and not hearers only.” (James 1:22)
Choose at least one action you can take to demonstrate more courage in your business.

Write it down, commit to it, and start today!

It's what makes a house a HOME!

It's what makes a house a HOME!

We are in each others LIFE for a reason!

We are in each others LIFE for a reason!

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