Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What Does the Future Hold?

Pam’s Page 23 – “Finances”None of us knows for sure what the future holds! This lack of knowledge often opens the door of fear. It affects our business, but more importantly....it affects every area of our life!

Two of my business associates shared fears with me last week. You would have thought they had read each others scripts, because their concerns were identical. Both of these gals felt burdened by all the Presidential Election stuff and the latest scare with the U.S. Economy. They were dreading the out come and fearfully thought it could affect their business and family income! These concerns were almost paralyzing them, from moving forward.
I shared with them that I too had felt a few heavy days because of these issues. Then I made a choice to reeducate my mind. The Bible refers to this process as renewing the mind. Instead of fighting a fear or merely putting up with it - I flush the negative out and replace it with a LOT of Praise & Worship Music, time in God’s Word and long conversations with Him (Prayer).
Clarification - I take a LOT of time doing these three activities, when I need to renew my mind! I take as much time as necessary, to get my flesh out of the way (tee-hee)!!!!!!!!
Wondering about things we don’t have answers to - opens the door to fear. Instead of wondering, we can trust God that whatever our future holds He will enable us to handle it when the time comes.

Wherever you are going, God has already been there and paved the way for you!
I look at some of the things my friends have gone through, like most recently – the Iowa Tornado & Flood Victims (Leslie); my dear friends Jeanne & Rickee with health issues, Arvilla with a husband so very ill…..just to name a few!
I think to myself, “I am afraid I could never go through that with the graciousness and courage I have seen them display.” Then I remind myself that when we must go through something, God gives us the strength to do so.

When we merely fear going through something, we do it without any help from God at all. When I look back over my life and remember some of the things God has brought me through I think, “how did I do that?”

It was because of God’s grace and power! He enabled me to do what I needed to do at the time and He will always do the same thing for you if you ask Him to.

We may not know the future (Elections, Economy, Health, etc), but if we know the One who holds the future in His hands, we can look forward to it with joy and without fear.
If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it……my sweet girlfriends! Let's walk victoriously into our future! Celebrate each day full out!
None of us know what the future holds, my friend!


Front Porch Society said...

Amen! I keep thinking of that verse Romans 8:28. We may not know what is in store for us or why things happen, but it is all for a greater good/purpose. We just have to put our trust and faith in HIM who is greater than anything.
I know that since I have started doing this Total Money Makeover program thru Dave Ramsey, the concerns for my future are no longer. I don't panic when I see the stock market taking a hit. I know God has everything in control and if I just stick to following HIS word and HIS plan, I will be fine! :) It is a lesson I am most certainly learning this year.....

Kristin said...

Oh my. This has hit home. I have been talking with a friend about the up coming elections. It seems as if many Christians have heavy hearts as the day of the new president draws near. Pam this message is a great reminder that if we put our trust in God we do not have fear.

Thank you,


Anonymous said...

Pam, dear friend, God has given us a miracle. He gave me complete peace when Gene came out of this last surgery and Gene is healed. He does not have pain, he is home early from the hospital and is sleeping through the night. This guy has gone through much pain and suffering and with all the prayer warriors he has believed in healing and he is. Thank you and all the prayer warriors for all their prayers. God is awesome, I keep repeating, IT IS A MIRACLE.

Pam Riley said...

Dearest Arvilla-

Thank you for sharing this Praise Report with all of us!

Thank you for setting a bold example of "peace" in troubled time!

I claim many more blessings for Gene's health and yours, my friend!

God Bless-

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