Thursday, August 21, 2008

Clear Lake, Iowa - "Class of 1973"

Pam’s Page 22 – “Friendship”
Have you attended all of your High School Class Reunions? I attended my 5th but chose to skip all others for the last 30 years!
My reasoning was - "My life has moved on and I have a family to raise, a business to run plus a life already rich in relationships!"
God had a different plan for my 35th Reunion! He used one special classmate to beg and bug me enough……that I knew it was time to go back. This dear classmate would want to remain anonymous so I will refer to her as Jane Doe, alias Jane Briggeman. Sorry Jane (tee-hee)! Jane Doe is pictures on my right, wearing glasses! However, like I said, “Jane would want to remain anonymous (tee-hee)!”

Anyway, thanks to Jane’s prodding……..I just had an awesome time at our 35th Class Reunion in Clear Lake, Iowa! It was wonderful to reconnect with so many precious friends and celebrate so many fun memories. My High School years were such a blast and a very busy time because I wanted to be involved in everything(tee-hee)! Are YOU surprised? Not!
I know I’ve changed a lot since High School and my Jiggle Diaries always refers to my physical changes. However my greatest change is my passion for the Lord. I am not a theologian, psychologist, or have a doctorate of any kind. I am a simple, often silly woman, who has fallen madly in love with Jesus.

So as I hugged my classmate’s goodbye Saturday night I asked myself, “Did they see the love of Jesus shining in me tonight?”

Convicting Song Lyrics, “Do They See Jesus In Me
by Joy Williams
Is the face that I see in the mirror
the one I want others to see
Do I show in the way that I walk in my life
The love that You've given to me
My heart's desire is to be like You
In all that I do, all I am

Do they see Jesus In Me
Do they recognize Your face
Do I communicate Your love, and Your grace
Do I reflect who You are
In the way I choose to be
Do they see Jesus In Me!

It's amazing that you'd ever use me
But use me the way You will
Help me to hold out a heart of
compassionate grace
A heart that You're spirit fills
May I show forgiveness and mercy
The same way You've shown it to me!

Now I want to show all the world who You are
The reason I live and breathe
So You'll be the One that they see
When they see me!

To my many Great Friends from “The Class of 1973” – God Bless you all, I can't wait for our 40th!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

We're all proud to have gone to Clear Lake High with you, even us under classmates. You were always the first to smile and extend the hand of friendship. You brighten a room when you enter it.

Your blog is an extension of the precious Pam I have always known. Thank you for being such a bright light to the world.

Yes, the love of Jesus radiates from YOU. Bless you!


Anonymous said...

Ok Pammie Sue...
I will leave some words for you! I really wonder if this is what you want, after all, the women I write about worked in an entertainment field many people YOU know may not understand, or may consider a bit "blue" for their tastes. But what I have found through fifteen+ years of research and friendships with those who worked in old-time burlesque, (they worked by or before 1965,) is that these people all have strong spiritual beliefs. Many of the old performers are of Jewish faith, they are not into Jesus...but they do have a strong belief in God or a Higher Power. They have been good to me; they have become my family over the years--something YOU know I didn't have much of when we were young. My second book will be finished by the end of this month; I have already begun the third...and yes, there is that much history from burlesque to preserve. This is what our parents and grandparents grew up watching; this is the entertainment field that gave us Abbott & Costello, Jackie Gleason, Phil Silvers and so many others. Burlesque IS good stuff! It was good seeing you at the 35th Reunion "Harry," hope to see you at the next gathering. love, jb

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