Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Some victories are undeserved!

Pam’s Page 18 – “Friendship”OK Sweet Girlfriends-

Have you ever had one of those moments where you simply and utterly felt amazed? So amazed that it rendered you speechless? Being speechless doesn’t happen often in my world filled with both spoken and the written words. I am rarely at a loss for words. However, this weekend, I was speechless.

I stepped out my front door and was simple and utterly amazed by my large green plant. It was full of six beautiful blooming flowers! Hot pink and smell-n mighty-mighty fine! So I took a picture as "proof" of this victorious moment!
Many of you would say to me, “So what’s the big deal Pam, everyone has flowers blooming in their yard right now?”

For those that know me very well……you are looking at this picture and saying, “They must be exceptionally real looking silk flowers!” or “This can’t be Pam’s House!”
So I must confess to my Blogging Girlfriends:"I am Pam Riley and I am a Silk-Flower-Aholic."
Yes, I even place a lot of silk flowered around the outside of my home! I water nothing and never put my hands into dirt to plant anything unless it’s artificial.

My theory is, “I want my flower beds to look perfect but I don’t want to be a slave to gardening!” Crazy.....I know!!!!

My rationalization is, “No one riding a galloping horse, would notice they aren’t real flowers anyway!”

My problem is, “No one rides horses any more and I really irritate the true flower people. The people who live to watch Gods creation! To watch that baby flower bud bloom into a beautiful smelling work of art.”

So explains - why I was simply and utterly amazed as I stepped out my front door that day! I had done nothing to deserve this blessing!
How about YOU?
Has anything amazed you lately? Have you had a surprise blessing or victory? Something you didn’t expect or deserve? Please share it (in the comment box) so we can all do a little victory dance with you!
PRAYER:Dear God,
I give You
praise and thanks
for even the smallest of
blessings in my life.


Anonymous said...

Hi Pam; Thought I had sent this, but it seems I didn't. Forgive me is it does come up a 2nd time.

I had a wonderful experience recently, it was because I listened to the Lord.
One of the co-members of my woman's club lost her 20 yr old grandson in a drunk driving accident. I felt the Lord told me to go to the visitation, I didn't want to, didn't know what to say, and would I say the wrong thing. As I drove over there, the Lord and I talked about this. As I walked into the mortuary, she saw me, came over and told me she was so pleased to see me, introduced me to her son (father of the young man) shared with him about our accident.
I felt that it was not me they saw and heard, it was the Lord, so happy that I listened to Him.

Anonymous said...

I know you VERY well and you KNOW that I love and adore you but.......

I say - those flowers (pictured outside your front door) ARE either (1)exceptionally real looking silk flowers, (2)this can’t be YOUR house OR (3)it is TRICK PHOTOGRAPHY!

I'm personally buying into the 3rd theory - THIS WAS TRICK PHOTOGRAPHY on your part!

No way does Pam have a "green thumb".....it's "Silk"! :-)

Love & Kisses-
The Chatty Iowan

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