Friday, May 30, 2008

Choosing to remember our dreams and goals!

Pam’s Page 13 – “Finances”
Hello sweet blogging sisters-

To stay true with my calling to start this Blog, I share three topics every week. Shifting gears from the Tornado Tragedy Post - to one on “Finances” - has been hard for me today! I’ve spent extra time in thought and prayer!
I found strength knowing, “how God makes all things work together for good.” I thought about how much you and I can accomplish together! That as a group of women desiring excellence in our life, we may feel temporarily defeated……but we are never alone!

We are always lifting each other up………
So before I did today’s Post on “Finances” (Home-Based Business), I found a scripture to embrace. Phil.3:13 “Forgetting those things which are behind….I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”
Today’s Finance Post-
“Choosing to remember our dreams and goals!”

In a young girl, dreaming comes easily. Whether it’s a fairytale wedding, adventure and travel, a pony, plans for an exciting career or the perfect home filled with the warmth of family, dreams are part of most children’s everyday lives. Unfortunately, through the process of becoming a woman, sometimes dreams fall by the wayside and are quickly replaced with reality – bills to pay, toddlers to comfort, teenagers to corral and a clock to punch.

We’ve all had moments when it felt easier to give up, when life’s goals seemed to hard to reach! However, there are those women who choose to remember their dreams. With purpose and determination, they stretch beyond their comfort zones and discover that their dreams are within reach!
Their dreams become the fuel to reaching their goals!
(1) Make a list of goals and dreams you are currently working on. Write each one on 3x5 card and keep them near your bed. Each morning and each night go through the stack of cards, one at a time, read the card and visualize it as already completed.
(2) Share your goals with someone who will keep you accountable!
(3) Create your “Affirmation Statement”. Repeating an affirmation several times a day keeps us focused on our goals, strengthens our motivation, and programs our subconscious to do whatever it takes to make that goal happen.

“Be doers of the Word, and not hearers only.” (James 1:22)
Choose at least one action you can take to better visualize a goal and enjoy the satisfaction that comes from completing it, with Gods help.
Write it down, commit to it, and start today!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Pam. You are right. Sometime you have to push away the fear, stop dewelling on the bad things in life and live again. My overwhelming thought is where do I begin again. I know God is for us and will always protect us, but I do wonder why things happen in our lives. I know it is for a reason, but it is sometimes hard to see that. I do thank God for saving my parents lives. I need to review my dreams and goals again. Pam I thank you for being a great role model to all of us.

Pam Riley said...

Dearest Sharon-
Thank you for sharing!
As I've told you many times, YOU are one of my hero's! I have watched you concur many of your fears and press on, when others might have given up!
I'm proud to be in business with you and I'm proud to call you friend!
Because you always keep God as your "Light-House", I'm sure his "LIGHT" will guide you through this storm and onto safe land again!
God Bless-

Front Porch Society said...

Throughout life's twists and turns, I have never lost sight of my end goal/dream. Though God may be taking me down the long way to get there, the valuable lessons learned along the way will only better equip me for when I do reach my final goal/dream.

Pam Riley said...

Amen! Great words of wisdom!!!!

Kristin said...

I love the idea of the note cards verses the list of dreams and goals. That long list can sometimes be overwhelming and send me into a tailspin.


Front Porch Society said...

Pam, the above link is of a video capturing what the tornado did to one house in our state. This will give you an idea of just how damaging that tornado was.

It's what makes a house a HOME!

It's what makes a house a HOME!

We are in each others LIFE for a reason!

We are in each others LIFE for a reason!

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