Saturday, July 12, 2008

Do difficult people bug you too?

Pam’s Page 17 – “Finances”

The world is full of difficult people! Of course I'm not one of them (tee-hee), but I know several who are. If we’re going to succeed in business or even just in life…..we need to learn how to get along with these difficult people!

TODAY’S BOOK RECOMMENDATION: “How To Get Along With Difficult People” by internationally known speaker and author Florence Littauer (It's available on my Blog Library Store)
Florence Littauer asks people who take her class to list all the things they don't like about other people (easily fill a book). Then she starts to meddle and asks them to list their own faults. (Like we have any.)

The list of don't likes is crowded with things like complainer, gossiper, liars, bigots, and on and on and on. The list of their individual faults includes things like overeating, preoccupied, poor willpower, etc. Not a difficult person in the bunch! Crazy?

The truth is we all have our moments when difficult is the right word to describe us! Littauer profiles people like Sally Spiritual, Marvin Music, Sam Sermon, Joyce Judging, Bob Bossy, Debbie Depressed, Gloria Gossip, and others. I recognized myself a few times (but don’t tell anyone). She does a good job of pointing out those weaknesses we see in others and ignore in ourselves!!!!!!

Her book is engaging, entertaining, and funny! Finally, it is an awesome resource for creative ideas on how to get along with people, including yourself. You'll have it all marked up in no time, and you'll be in a much better mood after you read it (tee-hee). You'll surrendar any judgmental thoughts about those difficult people that use to bug you!

Dear God,
Please teach me
how to forgive.
Show me the innocence in others,
and the innocence in myself.
I surrender to You
my judgmental thoughts.
May I see beyond them
to the gentle peace
that only forgiveness brings.


Front Porch Society said...

I deal with difficult people on a daily basis!! You just get to the point where you realize it is nothing personal and to just ignore them and let whatever they say/do roll off your back.

Anonymous said...

What perfect timing, to get this book recommendation from you! I have found myself angry alot lately - wishing I could get rid of a few "difficult" people in my life!

So I just ordered this book from your Library Shelf Store. I'm so excited to read it.

Thank you for all you do! You are a ray of sun-shine in my life!

The Chatty Iowan

Kristin said...

As said above I have noticed things in myself I don't like in others. It tends to get worse when I become stressed. My husband will look at me and tell me to let it go. I have the realization at that point that it does not matter what someone else said, it is how I interpret the words and if I hold onto them or let them go.


Pam Riley said...

Yes, my Scott is good for me too! Early in our marriage when I would get a little out of control he would smile at me and say, "You are on the war-path again!" I would then catch myself and change my attitude! :-)

One dear husband I know used to say his wife was a Angel. She was always in the air, harping about something (tee-hee)!

Either way, if our relationship it healthy.....we can learn alot from our husbands!


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