Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Dog Whisperers Worst Nightmare?

Pam’s Page 8 – “Family Life”

Those that know me best can hardly believe I waited until page 8 of “Family Life” before I talked about our dogs! I actually waited on purpose, to avoid letting the Whole Blog World know – just how crazy we are!

Buddy & Princess are brother and sister. Their dad was a Black Lab and mom was an Australian Sheppard, they each weight around 90 lbs.

We nick named them “The Babies” because they entered our life about the time we became Empty Nester's. Other than our two legged family, Buddy & Princess are the light of our life! Only REAL dog lovers have a clue what I’m talking about!

All Non-Dog Lovers need to STOP reading now; the rest of this Post will be like fingernails running down a chalkboard (tee-hee)! Or maybe as enjoyable as going to the Dentist! Please don't put yourself through this (tee-hee)!

OK, you Dog Lovers ONLY-Much of our World revolves around “The Babies”. Even looking at homes it’s always been, “Will the Babies like this yard?”

Buddy has altered our life the most. He has had two major surgery’s over the last 12 months, first his right knee and then month’s later - his left knee.

Prior to Buddy's leg issues, the four of us slept TOGETHER in our King Size Bed. After the surgery we were faced with a decision because our bed was too high of a jump for him.
So.......YOU GUESSED IT! We dropped the bed! Only the top mattress sets on the floor, the rest of our bed is in storage!

Now- Why are WE the Dog Whisperers worse nightmare?As you can see in this picture, even though we have a King Size Bed it’s very crowded. The Babies near 200 lbs combined, take up more than their share of the bed. So Scott & I developed a system to secure our positions on the bed. The system can be seen beside the lamp on the right (also pictured below)!

THE RILEY SYSTEM - Our Bedside Doggie Treat Jar:
A) Each night - If the Babies get on the bed 1st, we throw doggie treats across our bedroom suite and dive into the bed to claim our spot BEFORE they return!

B) If a bathroom visit is necessary during the night, almost 100% of the time….they have stretched over your space and left you only two options. Option #1 is to repeat Step “A” or Option #2 is to sleep on the FLOOR.

*Our son has started a Fundraiser to hire The Dog Whisperer to come fix us! He say's our dogs won't even need to attend the class, just Scott & I need the help (tee-hee)!


Dear God,
I give You
praise and thanks
for blessing us with pets!
Thank you for the humor
they bring into our lives!



Front Porch Society said...

lol!! I so understand where you are coming from!! The things I do for my puppy Kira! She is like my baby and she has me totally wrapped around her paws. :) hehe!!

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to figure out why such a funny post just made me cry.

Maybe because I'm still missing my cat, she died almost 2 years ago and I'm still not ready to replace her!

It's encouraging to know that you are staying REAL on this blog! haaha.

lovely post,
The Chatty Iowan

Unknown said...

pam, this post totally reminds me of my own household. our two cats are always in bed at night with us, and they too are our entertainment and joy. we sometimes rush home to see them. we know we're not crazy, we simply love our pets. great post!

Front Porch Society said...

I just posted a story about my dog Kira on my site. Shocking really what happened today!

Kristin said...

I am with the cat ladies. We had to put our cat down over a year ago. I actually miss her bed hog nature. Especially on a cold winter's night when she would warm my feet.

I have a friend at work that could probably help with this issue. She is a dog whisperer protege. She is helping me with our cat hating dog so we can keep him.

Bow wow.


kimkbidwell said...

Oh my gosh, I got my first puppy when i was 6 yrs old. She was the very best dog ever. Her name was Tinker!! Short for Tinker Bell! Cute huh? She was just amazing. My dad used to kick her down the stairs and i am not sure if that caused her seizures or not but she began having them. I was the only one who could comfort her through them. Then the day came that I had to ride to the vet with my dad. I was bawling the whole way. I was not in 7th grade. I had to hand her over to the vet. I was so very heartbroken....i didn't even go to school the next day. She is forever in my heart. We ended up getting sister dogs a few years later. They were cocoa and patches...so sweet and loveable. Cocoa was hit by a car and passed away and patches had to be put to sleep. I miss all our puppies but miss Tinker the most cuz she was mine not just the whole families. Precious memories. Thank You God for the memories we hold so dear to our hearts of our beloved pets. I pray they are all having a grand time in puppy and kitty heaven! :o)

It's what makes a house a HOME!

It's what makes a house a HOME!

We are in each others LIFE for a reason!

We are in each others LIFE for a reason!

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