Saturday, April 19, 2008

He made me CRY last night!

Pam's Page 7 - "Family Life"

Hello Fellow Married Girlfriends-

I know you will RELATE to this one! Scott made me CRY last night!

Marriage is like all of life:
It has it's wonderful mountain top moments, it has it's not so wonderful valley moments and lots of moments in between!

After 32 years of marriage, I have learned to just enjoy the journey and always keep my faith!

Joel Osteen talks about two kinds of faith - a Delivering Faith and a Sustaining Faith. Delivering Faith is when God instantly turns your marriage around. When that happens, it's great. But Joel teaches that it takes a greater faith and a deeper walk with God to have that Sustaining Faith. That's when circumstances in our marriage don't change immediately, but you say, "God, I don't care what comes against me, I don't care how long it takes, this thing is not going to defeat me. It's not going to get me down. I know You're on my side and you bless our marriage!" Sustaining Faith is what gets you through those dark nights of the soul when you don't know where to go or what to do, and it seems that you can't last another day....but because of your faith in God, you do.

*When you have that kind of attitude, any adversity in your marriage doesn't have a chance! Besides, it's not usually adversities that cause our problems; it's how we respond to our adversities.

*We've all seen women dealing with huge problems - tragic deaths in the family, incurable diseases, divorce, bankruptcy, and all sorts of other calamities - yet they are happy and at peace. They are living in an attitude of faith. They are believing for things to change. They are determined to live in victory!

My Victory Last Night - Scott made me CRY!
Scott rushed in the door two hours before our "Grill-Out" was to begin. I still had to vacuum the house, do some last minute food preparation and get myself cleaned up! He insisted that I drop everything and come into our Fireplace Room. I sooooooooo wanted to say, "Do you see the time....I am on a tight deadline, things to DO!" Thank God, I listened to my heart and turned off the vacuum. He said, "I just heard this song on my car radio and stopped at Target to buy this CD. This song is MY song for YOU!" So he started the song and whispered into my ear, "Listen to EVERY word!" As he began to slowly spin me around the room, the words began. It was the song - "What a Difference You Made in My Life!"

As tears ran down my cheeks, I thanked God for such a moment! I accepted the words as a gift from Scott, even though I have had days I didn't deserve this praise. Day's I really blew it!

Thank God for love in a marriage!
Thank God for forgiveness in a marriage!
Thank God for the trust that can only be celebrated after the journey through mountains and valleys!
Click to play Marriage

Make a scrapbook - it's easy!

A Wife's Prayer-Dear God,
Please melt
the walls in front of my heart.
Remove my anger
and restore my joy,
that I might fully love my Husband again.



Front Porch Society said...

Never realized that y'all were married on my birthday! ;)
Loved the srapbook you put together! And so sweet of him to surprise you to tears as he did! :)

Sheri said...

I've always said I have the best dad on earth! This was beautiful mom... and so was the photo album! Love you bunches!

Anonymous said...

I just love you and Scott! Thanks for sharing of yourselves, your time and your experiences! You encourage my husband and I to follow God even in the ruff times. Trust all will work out for good.

Hugs to you both!
The Chatty Iowan

Anonymous said...

That was so refreshing. Those moments are priceless. I loved the album. We had the same tux for our wedding. Thanks for reminding us to slow down and smell the roses. Elaine

Kristin said...

Scott is a keeper. Just like taking time to listen for what God wants us to do. We need to take those times and listen to our heart as you did. I need a tissue.



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